Updated Articles

  1. How to Add a New Patient on DrChrono

    You want to add a new patient, but you don't know how? Well here is a simple and fun new tutorial on how to add a new patient on DrChrono. If you are having an issue viewing this video, check it out on YouTube ...
  2. Custom Price on Fee Schedule

    Here's a video that will show you how to add your custom procedure codes to your fee schedule. ...
  3. Finding Help while in DrChrono

    Over time we've built out a great library of articles and videos to help guide our DrChrono customers. The problem is, that you used to have to go to the help center directly and find these resources. Well, not any longer! We've connecte...
  4. How do I change the email address connected to my DrChrono account?

    At this time, you are not able to change the email address associated with your DrChrono account on your own. Please contact your account manager, use our chat support, or submit a support ticket here. For security pu...
  5. Release Notes for 2023-08-15

    What's new? Check out the release notes for DrChrono for August 15, 2023. Click Follow in the Release Notes section to be notified when release notes are published. Billing and Payments Summary Description He...
  6. AMA Response to Change Healthcare cyber attack

    Updates from AMA regarding the February 21, 2024 cyber attack on Change Healthcare. https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/physician-health/change-healthcare-breach-financial-relief-resources-and-next ...
  7. ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 5.14.2024

    ePS Payer ID DRC Payer ID Name Line of Business Claims Impacted By CHC Claims Enroll? Claims Re-Enrollment Required Status Date Active Payer Notes HMF13162 13162 1199 National Benefit Fund P ...
  8. Change Healthcare Payer ID to ePS Payer ID Crosswalk

    Attached is a crosswalk from Change Healthcare Payer IDs to ePS (eProvider Solutions) Payer IDs. It can identify the corresponding payer ID between Change Healthcare and eProvider Solutions. Note - To easily find a Change Healthcare p...
  9. Explaining Basic Billing Concepts - How Does DrChrono Billing Work?

    When patients come in for an appointment, they receive treatments and/or services and then are charged correspondingly. Their charge(s) can be split into two categories: charges billed to insurance and charges billed to the patient....
  10. How to create a Custom CPT/HCPCS/ICD-10 that can be billed to the patient's insurance.

    Should you need to bill a CPT/HCPCS/ICD-10 that is not available in DrChrono, you can add it manually. For CPT codes, you will need the code and its associated long, medium, and short descriptors. For HCPCS codes, you will need the ...