HCFA 1500 Box 23 - Print CLIA number on claim form

If you bill for laboratory services rendered to your patient, your CLIA number must be printed in box 23 of the HCFA-1500 claim form. Once you have your CLIA number listed in the settings on your account, it will automatically print in box 23 when a laboratory test code is billed.

To enter this information on your account, please follow the steps outlined below:

1. Hover over Account and select Provider Settings:

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2. Select the Medical Billing tab

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3. Enter your CLIA number and expiration date in the boxes provided. Click Update Entire Profile at the bottom of the screen when complete.

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4. Once entered and a lab test is entered onto a patient's claim, the CLIA number will appear in box 23 on the paper HCFA and in loop 2300 (claim information) and/or loop 2400 (service line information) for electronic claims.

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