Bulk Editing Payer IDs

If you need to update the payer IDs on your patient charts, you can do so for all patients with a particular insurance at once. You don't have to update them one by one. The Bulk Edit Payer ID feature within DrChrono will make this task quicker and easier.

Here are the details: Bulk Edit Payer IDs

  • Navigate to Billing > Bulk Edit Payer IDs

Bulk Edit Payer IDs.png

  • Each insurance that is listed on your patient's chart will be listed on this screen. On the right, you will find an Edit button that will allow you to change the payer id for all of your patients with this insurance, all at the same time.

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 4.59.04 PM.png

  • Once you click on Edit, you will see the screen below:

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 3.47.01 PM.png

    • Red arrow - New Payer Name - You will search here for your new payer ID, and select from the drop down
    • Green arrow - New Payer ID - This is show the new ePS (eProvider Solutions) payer id you selected above.
    • Check the insurances.. section - This is where you will select which insurance you would like to change. To change to ePS (eProvider Solutions), you will want to ensure that all are checked.
    • Purple arrow - Update - Once you have updated the payer id (green arrow), click on Update. The system will update all of the patient records with the payer id you entered.