Patient Demographic Records Import - Data Migrations

DrChrono supports the import of patient demographics from external spreadsheet files (.xls or .csv).

We accept the fields and values below to create and populate patient records:

Baseline Demographic Fields

Column Header Description Format Required? Examples
Patient ID Database ID assigned to the patient record text/number No
Chart ID Medical Record number assigned to the patient record text/number No
Last Name Patient's full last name. May also include suffix. text Yes John
First Name Patient's full first name text Yes Smith

Patient sex (at-birth). One of:

"Male", "Female", "Other", "Unknown"(default), "Declined To Specify"

choice Yes Male
Middle Name Patient's middle name or initial text No R.
Nick Name Preferred Patient name. text No J.R.
Date of Birth Patient Birthday date No "1990-01-01", "01/01/1990"
Social Security Number Patient full ssn text No "123456789", "123-45-6789"
Race Patient Race. Can either be text, or HL7 value. (See choices.) choice No "black", "asian", "white", etc


Cultural Ethnicity; one of:

"Hispanic", "Not Hispanic", "Declined To Specify"

choice No "Hispanic"
Preferred Language

One of:

"English"(default), "Chinese", "French", "Italian", "Japanese", "Portugese", "Russian", "Spanish" "Unknown", "Other", "Declined"

choice No English
Home Phone Number Home phone number with area-code. Accepts multiple phone number formats. phone-number/text No "801-555-1234"
Cell Phone Number Mobile phone number phone-number/text No "801-555-1234"
Office Phone Number Work/Office phone number phone-number/text No "801-555-1234"
Office Phone Ext. Direct contact extension text No 4415
Email Address Contact email email/text No ""
Address Street Address (including suite/apt #) text No "123 ABC St, Apt 4."
City text No "Sacramento"
State full or abbreviated state name text No "CA"
Zip Code Postal code text No "90210", "90210-1224"
Emergency Contact Name First/Last name text No "John Doe"
Emergency Contact Phone Number Contact phone number phone-number/text No "555-111-2345", "5551112345"
Emergency Contact Relationship Relation to Patient text No "Sibling"
Primary Provider

DrChrono provider name assigned to patient. Must have a DrChrono account in the same "Practice Group" for dynamic assignment and must match "First" and "Last" name provided in desired doctor's Account Settings.

Defaults to the account initiating the import request if not provided.

text No "Judith Moore, MD"

Record State.

One of: "active"(default), "inactive" or "deceased"

choice No inactive
Referring Source

Source which referred the patient

text No Radio Advertisement

Referring Doctor Fields

Within each patient's record, exists an area to add Referring Doctor information. This area of the patient demographic record can be populated via bulk import by submitting the fields below in addition to baseline demographics. All fields in this category are OPTIONAL.

Column Header Description Format Example
Referring Doctor First Name Full first name of referring practitioner text
Referring Doctor Last Name Full last name text
Referring Doctor Middle Name Middle name (if applicable) text
Referring Doctor Suffix Suffix, such as "MD", "DO", "CRNP", "PA", etc text
Referring Doctor NPI CMS-issued National Provider Identifier numerical
Referring Doctor Address

Full address including street number, street name, unit/suite#, city, state and zip code.

May be separated into separate fields for each

Referring Doctor Email Practitioners email email/text
Referring Doctor Phone Contact Phone phone-number/text
Referring Doctor Fax Fax Number phone-number/text
Referring Doctor Specialty Practitioner's registered specialty text "Acupuncture"

Custom Demographic Fields

If custom demographic fields are configured within an account, this data can be populated via bulk import.

Column Header Description Format Example
Custom:{field name}

Prefixed with "Custom:", the "field_name" must match a configured custom demographic field in the account.

For a custom field named "Misc. Info" in DrChrono, the column name should reflect as "Custom:Misc. Info"

text "This is a custom field value"

Insurance Payers

It is possible to fill insurance fields for your DrChrono patient records by submitting adding the columns headers and values (or similar) below.

Each Column Header here can be prefixed with either "Primary", "Secondary", or "Tertiary", and are optional:

Column Header Description Format Example
Insurance Company Name of Health Benefit Plan Carrier text "Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield"
Insurance Group Name Name of group plan text "Your Company"
Insurance Group Number Plan Group Number text "YC123"
Insurance ID Number Subscriber/Member number text DZVAN0213456789
Insurance Payer ID Electronic claims submission ID text 84105
Insurance Plan Name Name of Plan Tier text Open Access PPO
Insurance Plan Type Type of Plan, such as "Commercial", "Medicare Part B", "Title V" etc. text Indemnity

Auto Accident Coverage Insurance

The columns below are specific to Auto Insurance carriers, and are optional:

Column Header Description Format Example
Auto Accident Company Name of Responsible Auto Insurance company text "State Farm"
Auto Accident Case Number Case or Claim number text "0123456789-555"
Auto Accident Claim Rep Name Name of Claims representative text "Jake"
Auto Accident Date of Accident Date of Loss date "02/01/2023"
Auto Accident Disabled From Date date
Auto Accident Disabled To Date date
Auto Accident Had Similar Condition "True" if client had issue prior to accident. "False" by default. choice "False"
Auto Accident Similar Condition Notes Detailed notes on similar condition, if applicable text
Auto Accident Payer Address Address of the insurance agency text
Auto Accident Payer City text
Auto Accident Payer State text
Auto Accident Payer Zip Code text
Auto Accident Payer ID Electronic, or otherwise, configured Payer ID text
Auto Accident Policy Number Policy number of responsible auto insurance holder. text 1234567890-12
Auto Accident Return To Work Date Date patient is cleared to return date "04/01/2023"
Auto Accident State of Occurrence State where incident occurred. text "CA"
Auto Accident Still Under Care

Is patient still under care for this condition?


choice No
Auto Accident Treatment Duration

Length of time patient has been/will be treated.

text "90 days"
Auto Accident Will Require Therapy

Indicates if therapy is needed. One of:

"True" or "False"(default)

choice "True"

Workers Comp Insurance

The optional column headers here are specific to Workers Comp payers:

Column Header Description Format Example
Workers Comp Company Name of WC Agency text "Travelers"
Workers Comp Payer ID Electronic Payer ID text
Workers Comp Claim Number Property & Casualty agency claim # text 01234567990
Workers Comp Carrier Code Agency carrier code, if applicable text
Workers Comp Case Number Assigned WC case number text
Workers Comp Group Name text
Workers Comp Group Number text
Workers Comp Payer City text
Workers Comp Payer State text
Workers Comp Payer Zip Code text
Workers Comp State of Occurrence State where incident occurred text "MD"
Workers Comp WCB designated WC Board or Commission text "Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission"
Workers Comp WCB Rating Code

To be used by authorized providers when submitting claims/reports; Indicates provider type.

For examples, see

text "LAC"
Workers Comp Notes Misc. Notes related to episode text

Subscriber Fields

These fields are available for all insurance categories (EXCEPT Workers Comp) to indicate the plan's subscriber. Be sure to prefix each column "Primary", "Secondary", "Tertiary" or "Auto Accident" as appropriate. Fields here are optional:

Column Header Description Format Example
Subscriber Relationship

How patient is related to the insured, such as: "Self", "Spouse", "Other", etc.

If not "Self", the column values below can be submitted for population.

text Self
Subscriber Last Name Plan holder's last name text
Subscriber First Name Plan holder's first name text
Subscriber Middle Name Plan holder's middle name or initial text
Subscriber Suffix Plan holder's suffix (if applicable) text
Subscriber Date of Birth Plan holder's birth date date
Subscriber Social Security Plan holder's SSN text
Subscriber Address Plan holder's address text
Subscriber City Plan holder's city text
Subscriber State Plan holder's residing state text
Subscriber Zip Code Plan holder's postal code text

Referring Doctor

Within each patient's record, exists an area to add Referring Doctor information. This area of the patient demographic record can be populated via bulk import by submitting the fields below in addition to baseline demographics. All fields in this category are OPTIONAL.

Column Header Description Format Example
Referring Doctor First Name Full first name of referring practitioner text
Referring Doctor Last Name Full last name text
Referring Doctor Middle Name Middle name (if applicable) text
Referring Doctor Suffix Suffix, such as "MD", "DO", "CRNP", "PA", etc text
Referring Doctor NPI CMS-issued National Provider Identifier numerical
Referring Doctor Address

Full address including street number, street name, unit/suite#, city, state and zip code.

May be separated into separate fields for each

Referring Doctor Email Practitioners email email/text
Referring Doctor Phone Contact Phone phone-number/text
Referring Doctor Fax Fax Number phone-number/text
Referring Doctor Specialty Practitioner's registered specialty text "Acupuncture"

Custom Demographic Fields

If custom demographic fields are configured within an account, this data can be populated via bulk import.

Please use the attached spreadsheet as a guide to building your patient demographic records. Please contact your DrChrono representative should you have any questions.