INTERNAL: Setting Up FigMD for Accounts

*This article was updated on June 17, 2024. While this is the current process for setting up FigMD accounts, FigMD is not currently accepting new clients.

1. A spreadsheet will be sent that will have the information needed to set up the registry for the practice group.


2. To set up FigMD go to the PG Setting and scroll down to the bottom. Click on the Configure FigMD Registries.



3. You will need to select the FigMD Registry from the dropdown menu and enter the Elixir ID in the field.


Note: The SFTP path/folders are registry/elixir_id

4. Once you have selected the registry and entered the Elixir ID, check the Sync Enabled box and Save. Once synced, it can take 6-11 weeks for a dashboard to be available to the practice.


If needed, click Delete to remove a registry.