DrChrono Sandbox
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Toggle navigation
Status Page
Contact Us
Account Setup
Getting Started
New to DrChrono? Read here about Getting Set Up
Logging into DrChrono Web and iPad
How to Search for a Patient-Web & iPad
Turning On and Turning Off Your Sample Data
What versions/generations of iPad and iPhone are supported by DrChrono?
Why use DrChrono's API?
DrChrono Feature Requests
How do I backup all of my information within DrChrono?
Data Imports
Unpacking Your DrChrono Export Files
How to customize C-CDA XML Exporting
Vaccine Records Import - Data Migrations
Contacts List Import - Data Migrations
Lab Results Import - Data Migrations
Medication History - Data Migrations
Problem (Diagnosis) History Import - Data Migrations
Allergies Import - Data Migrations
Data Migration - Database Files
Documents Import - Data Migrations
Data Import Ticket Process
Patient Demographic Records Import - Data Migrations
Appointments Import - Data Migrations
Familiar Systems - DrChrono Data Imports
Importing Data into DrChrono - Official FAQ
Importing Categories for your Custom Codes
Importing your Contact Lists
Bulk Importing Patient Demographics
My DrChrono Account
What to do with my DrChrono account if I've sold my practice?
A provider has left our practice midterm. What steps do I take?
Secure Sign Up Using reCAPTCHA
Changing a medication to an inactive status
How do I add a provider to my account?
Forgotten Password: How do I reset my password?
Student Education FAQ
Why use DrChrono billing?
Removing One Provider and Adding Another
How do I delete/remove a provider from my account?
My account is on a Read-Only plan. What information do I have access to?
Account Details and Settings
Why Can't I Change My Name in Account Settings?
Account Settings in Detail
Internal: How to Enable/Disable the "Send To All Patients" option in the Send Email section
Patient Data Export
Exporting Clinical Data from DrChrono's API
Timezones and DrChrono
Daily Agenda Email
Using the Practice Group Dropdown
How do I sync my DrChrono calendar to my Google Calendar?
Where can I find my DrChrono doctor ID, practice group ID, and office ID?
How do I edit my contact information?
Editing Your Name, Timezone, Personal Details, and Contact Information
Setting a Default Appointment Time
How do I update my specialty?
How can I change the default appointment color?
How to upload a Profile Image and Business Logo
How do I add a suffix, credentials or salutation to my name?
How can I enter in an official practice name and have that reflected in my clinical notes, superbills, and patient statements?
My Account Billing
How to update your billing address in NetSuite
How to review and/or update credit card details in Netsuite
How to make a payment in Netsuite
Paying your DrChrono invoice
How do I see how many faxes, text messages, and phone calls I have sent?
Account Billing FAQs
Will DrChrono take a percentage of my collection for claims prior to our contract date?
How are my claim submissions charged to my account?
Staff Accounts and Account Permissions
Restricting Staff Members to an Office
How to Turn On Share Patients
Staff and Provider Permissions
How do I change a provider for staff members?
How do I add an employee?
Practice Settings: Editing a Staff Role
Adding a New Role
What permissions do staff members have?
How do I edit user/staff account permissions?
Practice Settings: Assigning Member Roles
Removing Staff Members (Inactivate Staff)
How do I create a staff account?
Office Details
Setting Your Office Hours
How do I add/edit exam rooms in an office?
Changing the Primary Provider for an Office
Practice Settings: Office Setup and Management
Archiving and Changing Offices
Account Security
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Internal: Custom Session Timeout for Practice Group
Custom Session Timeout
Email Verification
Restrictions for Trial Accounts
What is DrChrono's data recovery plan?
What are DrChrono's password requirements?
Enabling Emergency Access to your DrChrono Account
What database does DrChrono use?
How does DrChrono keep my information safe?
How to change my DrChrono login password?
How do I set my iPad PIN?
Does DrChrono have a Disaster Recovery Plan?
Why does my DrChrono account log me out frequently?
How does Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) work in DrChrono?
How do I set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in my account?
How do I set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for a staff member?
How do I add a confidentiality notice to the bottom of all outgoing faxes and emails?
Setting up an Identity Provider for SSO
Internal: Creating a New Identity Provider for a Customer
Internal: How to Enable Force SSO for a Practice Group
Utilizing the New SSO Dashboard
How to Request SSO for Your Account
SSO New Login Workflow
Trending RCM Topics
Change Healthcare Cyber Attack Response
Patient Statements through Optum
HHS letter regarding the Change Healthcare cyber attack
Upcoming Availity Rejections
Updates from Change Healthcare
AMA Response to Change Healthcare cyber attack
Bulk Editing Payer IDs
How to bulk submit claims
Payers who need enrollment to obtain eligibility information
eProvider Solutions FAQs
What does rejection EPSOUT mean?
ePS Reconnection Payer Lists
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 6.17.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 6.17.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 6.17.2024
Previous lists
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 5.29.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 5.29.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 5.29.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 5.17.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 5.17.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 5.17.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 5.14.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 5.14.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 5.14.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 5.08.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 5.08.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 5.08.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 5.01.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 5.01.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 5.01.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 4.26.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 4.26.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 4.26.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 4.22.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 4.22.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 4.22.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 4.16.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 4.16.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 4.16.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-E) as of 4.11.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 4.11.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 4.11.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (A-F) as of 4.05.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (G-M) as of 4.05.2024
ePS Reconnection Payer List (N-Z) as of 4.05.2024
ePS Payer List
ePS Payer List (A-F) - April 15, 2024
ePS Payer List (G-M) - April 15, 2024
ePS Payer List (N-Z) - April 15, 2024
Former Lists
ePS Payer List (A-F) - April 12, 2024
ePS Payer List (G-M) - April 12, 2024
ePS Payer List (N-Z) - April 12, 2024
eProviderSolutions Payer List
Exclusive Change Healthcare Payers for Claims as of 3.06.2024
Internal Articles
INTERNAL: ePS Emergency Access claim submission
INTERNAL: ePS FAQs after Change Healthcare Cyber Attack
INTERNAL: Migrating a customer from Change Healthcare to ePS
ePS Resources
How to enroll with ePS for just real time eligibility checks
How to access the eProvider Solutions Enrollment Portal
VIDEO: Navigating the eProvider Solutions Enrollment Portal
ePS Enrollment Module - What do the different statues mean?
ePS: Available services display in the patient's chart
What happens with my ERAs?
Change Healthcare Payer ID to ePS Payer ID Crosswalk
What if a payer requests a certain field/provider number to show in a specific field?
2024 articles
UHC: Updated policy for HCPCS Code G2211
UHC: Home Health Changes effective July 1, 2024
Diabetes Screening Definition updates for Medicare coming October 2024.
CMS 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Look up Tool
Medicare Requirement as of 1/01/2025 - TB Modifier
Medicare coverage for Mental Health
Are you a marriage/family therapist or a mental health counselor billing Medicare?
Limitation on Recoupment of Medicare Overpayments- effective July 1, 2024
HCPCS Code G2211
COVID Vaccine post PHE
Provider Type and Taxonomy Codes added as of Jan 1, 2024
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Summary CY2024
CPT 2024- What to expect
2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
2024 Medicare Deductible & Coinsurance rates
Medicare Home Health PPS CY 2024
CMS - Changes to Amount in Controversy Threshold effective Jan 1, 2024
2023 articles
UHC - Q4 2023 MA-PCPi program enhancements
Understanding the streamlined COVID-19 vaccine codes
Struggling with Z codes?
CMS- 2023 E & M Services Guide
📣 Redesigned CMS website
United Healthcare removes preauthorization requirements for many services
New Place of Service (POS) code 27
Updated Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) form
First annual report on the No Surprises Act
Submitting DME claims that are subject to $35 out of pocket cap
Oxford Health Plan phases out paper checks
UHC issues new ID cards April 2023
End of Public Health Emergency (PHE) - What do I need to know?
NDC updates effective July 1, 2023
Medicare claim processing error - January 2023
UHC to move to digital VCP statements beginning February 3, 2023
Medicare changes rules with CMN and DIFs effective January 1, 2023
CPT 2023 - Are you ready?
United Healthcare (UHC): Reconsideration and Appeals
Medicare to eliminate pre-auth requirements for some DME beginning Jan 1, 2023
2023 Clinical Lab Fee Schedule
CY 2023 Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
Telehealth and Proposed CY 2023 Medicare Fee Schedule
2022 articles
CMS 2023 Physician Fee Schedule Look up Tool
ICD-10 updates effective October 1, 2022
Prior Authorization Reform Bill making its way through Congress
Billing Basics
Getting Started
Getting Started with Billing through DrChrono
Credentialing vs. Enrollment: What is the difference?
Individual vs Organizational NPIs
Getting to Know the Billing Menu
Introducing Your Core Billing Tools
Explaining Basic Billing Concepts - How Does DrChrono Billing Work?
What are my options with accepting assignment from insurance payers?
Adding additional insurance payers
INTERNAL: Excluding a patient statement by payer
Adding a Payer In DrChrono
Adding billing notes to an appointment
How do I add a billing notes to the patient’s appointment?
Video: Adding notes to a patient's appointment
Adding/Updating Insurance(s) on a patient's account
Updating a Patient's Insurance Information
Adding Insurance Info for Durable Medical Equipment
MBI - Medicare Beneficiary ID number look up tool
Apollo Plus plans - how to communicate with the DrChrono billing team
How do I Share Correspondence with the Billing Team?
Billing Codes
DSM-5 Codes
Getting started with Billing Codes
Is There a Dictionary to Search for CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10 codes?
What is an NDC and Why Do I Need To Include It?
What should I do if the ICD-10 code I use is flagged as 'Removed'?
Editing ICD-10, CPT, or HCPCS Code Descriptions
How to create a Custom CPT/HCPCS/ICD-10 that can be billed to the patient's insurance.
Questions about modifier 25?
Deleted CPT Codes
Billing Pick List
Creating a Billing Picklist
Using a Billing Picklist
Courtesy Billing
How Do I Set Up Courtesy Billing and How Does it Work?
Diagnosis Pointers
What are Diagnosis Pointers?
Fee Schedule
Fee Schedule - Overview
Fee Schedule: How to add a new fee schedule
Fee Schedule: How to edit a field in an existing fee schedule
Fee Schedule: How to inactivate an entire fee schedule
INTERNAL - Requirements to upload Fee Schedule
INTERNAL - How to tell which version Fee schedule a client is on? v1 or v2?
How Do I Set Up a Fee Schedule v1?
How to add revenue codes to a fee schedule v1
Incident-to Billing
What is Incident-to Billing?
Insurance Plan Types
Insurance Plan Types Explained
Insurance Set Up Options
What does the Insurance set up screen do?
How Do I Enter a Taxonomy Code For a Specific Payer?
Keeping Patient Insurance History
How do I keep a patient's insurance history?
Office Billing Settings
Medical Billing Account Settings
I'm moving my office location. What do I need to do?
How do I Enter a Taxonomy Code that is Common for all Payers?
How to Create an Office and Edit the NPI, Tax ID, POS and Billing Name
Entering in an additional NPI number and Tax ID for billing purposes
Patient Super Bills
INTERNAL: Printing Supervising Provider on Patient SuperBill
Adding Supervising Provider to the Patient Superbill
Creating an Itemized Patient Statement
Adding an Email Address to your Superbill
Payment Profiles
How Do I Update the Default Payment Profile?
Billing Workflow
Payer Pre-Auth showing on Reports
Adding a Clinical Trial number to your claim
Entering an authorization number
Entering a Pending Pre-Authorization Number
Accounts Receivable
How Do I See My Accounts Receivable?
Adding Insurance EOBs to your DrChrono Account
How Do I Add an Insurance EOB to my DrChrono account?
Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) Program
What is the Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) program?
Custom Billing Status
Creating and Archiving Custom Billing Statuses
VIDEO: Creating and using a Custom Billing Status
Billing Profiles
Adding Billing Profiles in the Form Builder
Adding Billing Profiles in the Live Claims Feed
Adding Billing Profiles in the Clinical Note
Adding Billing Profiles from the Appointment Window
Creating Billing Profiles
VIDEO: Creating Billing Profiles
VIDEO: Applying Billing Profiles
Connecting Billing and Appointment Profiles
VIDEO: Connecting Billing Profiles and Appointment Profiles
Billing Profiles and Fee Schedules
Changing Billing Status Automatically
Lock a note and automatically change the billing status
How to change the billing status automatically to Paid in full and Balance due from the billing screen?
Custom Procedures
How to create a Custom Procedure Code
Video: Creating New Custom Procedure Codes
How do I update or archive my custom procedures?
Exporting Custom Procedure Codes
Daily Billing Problem Email
Managing Your Daily Billing Problems Email
How do I Stop Receiving Daily Billing Problem Emails?
Good Faith Estimate
Questions about the No Surprises Act
Good Faith Estimate Tool Overview
VIDEO: Good Faith Estimate Tool Overview
Good Faith Estimate: Creating a new estimate
Good Faith Estimate: Adding/Editing Diagnosis Codes
Good Faith Estimate: How do I add notes to my patient's estimate?
Good Faith Estimate: What if I don't know a related provider's NPI or TIN?
Good Faith Estimate: Delivering the estimate to your patient
Good Faith Estimate: Adding additional providers and/or facilities to your estimate
Good Faith Estimate: How do I remove a charge from an existing estimate?
Good Faith Estimate: Can I rename an existing estimate?
Good Faith Estimate: What if I need to add charges after the main service was rendered?
Good Faith Estimate: What if the patient declines the estimate?
Good Faith Estimate: What if the patient originally declined but now wants to move forward?
Hiding Billing Screens
Hiding Billing Screens
Follow Up Dates
INTERNAL: Customized Follow-up Dates - turning off for a client
Customized Follow-up Dates: Setting up your account
Customized Follow-up Dates: Utilizing within your account
Customized Follow-up Dates: Reporting
Customized Follow-up Dates: Can we turn it off?
Month End Close
No-show appointments
How Do I Bill For a No-Show Appointment?
Patient Billing Statements
Patient Statements with Optum
Creating and Managing Patient Statements
VIDEO: Generating Patient Statements
How to Generate a Statement with the Responsible Party Information?
How to Include Notes on your Patient Statements
How Do I Use an Alternative Pay to Address on Patient Statements?
INTERNAL: How to update the phone number showing on a patient billing statement
Payer IDs
Searching Enrolled Payers First
What does PRNT mean when it is part of the payer id?
Persistent Codes
How do I carry over CPT codes from visit to visit?
How Do I Set a Billing Modifier to a Code So it Always Populates?
Place of Service (POS) codes
Telehealth POS codes 02 and 10
How to Change the Place of Service (POS) for a Specific Appointment
RTE: Real Time Eligibility
Real-Time Eligibility Dashboard
Specialty Specific Eligibility
Running Eligibility when the claim goes to an alternative payer
Creating an Eligibility Profile
Save Time with Auto Eligibility Checks
Sales Tax
Sales Tax Feature
Video: Using the Sales Tax Feature
Supervising Providers
How Can I Set Up a Supervising Physician?
How to print Supervising Physician details on the HCFA-1500 form
Underpaid Items
What are Underpaid Items?
Billing Reporting
Aging AR Report Updates
Aging AR Analysis Updates: Overview
Aging AR Analysis Updates: Details tab
Aging AR Analysis Updates: Export Reporting
Day Sheet Updates
Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet) Updates: Overview
Financial Transactions Report (fka Day Sheet) Updates: Summary tab
Financial Transactions Report (fka Day Sheet) Updates: Debits tab
Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet) Updates: Credits tab
Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet) Updates: Adjustments tab
Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet) Updates: Patient Payments tab
Denial Analysis Updates
Denial Analysis Updates: Overview
Denial Analysis Updates: Summary tab
Denial Analysis Updates: Details tab
Denial Analysis Updates: Graph tab
Advanced Reports
Enhancements to Advance Report Exports
Getting started with reporting
Balancing at the end of the day
Financial Transactions (DaySheet) Group Summary
Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet): Balancing at the end of the day
Financial Transactions (Day Sheet)
What is Included in the Moved Cash Option in the Day Sheet?
Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet): Understanding the Options
VIDEO: Financial Transactions (Day Sheet)
What's the difference between Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet) & the Product/Procedure Report?
Billing Log Report
How do I use the Billing Log?
Video: Billing log
CPT, HCPCS, ICD-10 Line Level Reporting
Line Level Reporting - Advanced Reports
Insurance Payment Reports
Aging AR Analysis
How can I see what I'm being reimbursed for a particular code from all of my payers?
How to run a report by payer and their denial codes?
How to identify claims that were billed but not paid
Inventory & Sales Tax Reports
Running a Sales Tax Report
Using Inventory Management
Video: Inventory Management
Live Claims Feed Reports
Running Reports from the Live Claims Feed
Monthly Reports
How do I get a Monthly Report with Insurance Payments, Adjustment and Patient Payments Listed?
What is the Product/Procedure option?
Video: Product Procedure Report
Video: Accounts Receivable Reporting
Patient Authorization Report
Patient Prior Authorization Report
Patient Balance Ledger
Patient Balance Ledger
Patient Follow up Date
Running a report by "Follow-up Date"
Patient Payment Reports
How to run a report based on the appointment's payment profile
How do I Run a Report for a Specific Payment Method?
Transactions Report
Keeping Track of Your Transactions
Video: Transactions Report
Unallocated Patient Payment Report
How to Run an Unallocated Payment Report
Enrollment: EDI -Electronic Claims Submissions
Getting started with electronic claims (EDI)
Bulk Edit Payer IDs
Clearinghouse 101
Are Payer IDs Specific to the Clearinghouse or the Insurance Company?
How to use alternate pay to address for EDI transmission?
EDI Submission
Scrubbing Errors: What do they mean?
Medicare Smart Edits
EDI Claim File Indicators
How to avoid claim filing indicator rejections
If I Have Submitted my EDI and/or ERA Paperwork, Can I Bill Claims Right Away?
How Long Until I am Approved to Submit Claims?
ePS - eProvider Solutions
eProviderSolutions (ePS) Claim Scrubbing
eProvider Solutions- Who are they?
eProvider Solutions- Will my payer ids change?
ePS: Available services display in the patient's chart
eProvider Solutions - Payer Search
eProvider Solutions - Submitting paper secondary claims
Insurance Set up Screen for those utilizing ePS clearinghouse
EPS Enrollment Module
ePS - Enrollment notifications
ePS- How do I access the portal?
VIDEO: EProvider Solutions- Navigating the enrollment portal
eProvider Solutions- How do I submit an enrollment request?
eProvider Solutions- How do I resume a previously started enrollment request?
eProvider Solutions- How do I cancel an enrollment request?
ePS Enrollment Module: Payer View
ePS Enrollment Module: TIN update
ePS Enrollment Module Activity Log
ePS: EDI Enrollment Check
eProvider Solutions- What do the different statuses mean?
ePS - Reinitiating an enrollment request
INTERNAL articles
INTERNAL: ePS dashboard for client submission status
INTERNAL: Checking ePS enrollment status without breaking glass into client's account
INTERNAL: eProvider Solutions - Initial email template to clients re: ePS transition
INTERNAL: eProvider Solutions - Transition to clearinghouse ePS
INTERNAL: ePS Account Management Process
TriZetto Provider Solutions
Requesting additional enrollments through TriZetto
Waystar to TriZetto transition
TriZetto Clearinghouse Payer IDs
Requesting additional TriZetto (professional) enrollments
Requesting additional TriZetto (institutional) enrollments
How Does Switching Clearinghouses Impact Practice Collections?
RCM Tasks
Getting started with RCM Tasks
What is the RCM Tasks Page?
RCM Tasks and billing
What do I do With Tasks my Biller Assigns Me?
How do I Communicate/Send Messages to my Biller?
RCM Tasks and signing charts
Using RCM Tasks to View and Sign Charts
Live Claims Feed
Getting Started with the Live Claims Feed
Seeing claims that are set to transmit to the clearinghouse
Can I customize the view in the Live Claims Feed?
How does Live Claims Feed work?
How to add a charge to an appointment from the Live Claims Feed
Billing Status: What Do They Mean?
How to Filter a Claim by the Billing Status
Viewing more than one appointment concurrently in the Live Claims Feed
How to Delete a Claim From DrChrono
How do I Clone a Claim?
I've Updated the Patient's Insurance but it's not Reflecting in the Live Claims Feed
Will Rescheduled Appointments Show up on the Live Claims Feed?
Using the Qty/Min feature in the Live Claims Feed
Printing Claim Forms
Printing selected HCFA-1500 forms from the Live Claims Feed
How Do I Print a HCFA-1500 Form?
Printing an institutional claim form - UB04
How Do I Print Superbills Individually, for a Single Day or a Date Range?
How to bulk print HCFA forms within DrChrono?
HCPCS Modifier LU
HCPCS modifier JZ
HCPCS Modifier JB
HCPCS Modifier JA
Getting Started with Claims
Lifecycle of a Medical Claim
Types of charges that can be added to an appointment
Claim Status: What Do They Mean?
How to change the Accept Assignment for an Insurance?
How many NPI numbers/Tax ID’s can I have associated with my account?
Auto Accident Claims
New York No Fault Form - NF3
Auto Accident Claims: Option to add a business name as policy holder
Submitting Auto Accident Claims through DrChrono
Carisk Partners (fka iHCFA) - How to Attach Documents to Auto Accident Claims
How to Select the State of Accident for Auto Accident Claims
HCFA 1500 Form for Auto Accident Claims
Claim Rejections
Discovering reasons for rejection
Why is this Claim Being Rejected?
How to correct specific rejections
Error message: Missing Information: Ordering Provider office: zip code is missing
Error message: "Billing Status and Payment Profile is contradicting"
How to fix the claim filing indicator rejection?
How to fix the claims rejected for "SERVICE UNIT COUNT OR ANESTHESIA MINUTES" ?
Why is my claim rejected for “Service line COB” information?
How to fix a claim when it is rejected stating "OTHER PAYER INSURANCE TYPE CODE: REQUIRICARE SECONDARY CLAIMS"
How to fix a claim when you receive rejection "Phone number of billing office is required".
Resubmitting a corrected claim
How to Resubmit a Corrected Claim?
Timely Filing Limits
How do I submit proof of timely filing to insurance?
Medicare rejection for timely filing
Claim Submission
Have questions regarding Medicare's Global Surgery guidelines?
Documentation Type Requirement for Alaska Medicaid
Claim File Submission
What time are claim files submitted?
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Claims
Billing a Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Claim
Multiple Primary Insurances
Video: Working with multiple primary insurances
Submitting Claims to Multiple Primary Insurances.
Payer ID numbers
How do I find the payer ID number?
Purchase Service Provider
How do I add the purchased service provider information to a claim?
Reordering items on a HCFA 1500 form
Video: Rearranging ICD10 codes
How to Reorder ICD-10 and CPT/HCPCS Codes in an Appointment in the Live Claims Feed
Submitting to Primary Insurance
Billing emergency services to Medi-Cal
Billing claims to the Veterans Administration
How to Submit a Claim to an Insurance Company
How to submit Bulk Claims to a payer
Submitting a claim with a zero charge
Can I Submit a Claim with a Zero Charge?
Submitting to Secondary or Tertiary insurance
How to Mail a Claim to a Secondary along with the Primary EOB?
How to submit claims to a tertiary insurance and post payments?
Institutional Claims
Getting started with institutional billing
Institutional Billing with DrChrono
How to add insurance information for an institutional claim
Printing UB04 Forms
Video: Printing a UB04 form
Video: Aligning your UB04 form
Adding elements on the UB04 form
UB04 / HCFA 1450 Boxes and Where Information is Pulled
UB04 Box 2 - How Do I Use an Alternative Pay to Address on an institutional claim?
UB04 Box 3A - Patient Control Number on an institutional claim
UB04 Box 4 - Type of Bill on an institutional claim
UB04 Box 6 - Start/End Care Dates on an institutional claim
UB04 Boxes 12-13 - Adding an admission date and hour to an institutional claim form
UB04 Box 14 - How to add type of admission to an institutional claim
UB04 Box 15 - What is a Point of Origin Code and how do I include it on an institutional claim?
UB04 Box 16 - How to add a discharge hour to an institutional claim
UB04 Box 17 - How to add a patient's discharge status to an institutional claim
UB04 Boxes 18-28 - What is a condition code and how do I enter them on an institutional claim?
UB04 Box 26 - Utilizing a claim ID from a claim form
UB04 Boxes 31-34 - What are occurrence codes and how do I add them to an institutional claim?
UB04 Boxes 39 - 41 - What is a value code and why is it needed on my institutional claim?
UB04 Box 42 - Adding revenue codes to an institutional claim
UB04 Box 52 - Notating a signed release or informed consent on an institutional claim
UB04 Box 53 - Noting an Assignment of Benefits on an institutional claim
UB04 Box 66 - Procedure Code Qualifier
UB04 Box 67 - How to add diagnosis codes to a patient's institutional claim
UB04 Box 69 - Where do I add the admitting diagnosis on an institutional claim?
UB04 Box 70 - When do I need to use a Patient Reason for Visit Code?
UB04 Box 74 - Where do I add the Principal Procedure Code for an institutional claim?
UB04 Boxes 76 - 79 - Where do I add attending, operating, and consulting provider information on an institutional claim?
UB04 Box 80 - Can I add free-text remarks on an institutional claim?
Professional Claims
Getting started with Professional Claims
Date of Current Illness vs Initial Treatment date; what is the difference?
Video: Cloning a Claim
Adding elements on the HCFA 1500 Form
HCFA 1500 Box 23 - Print CLIA number on claim form
HCFA 1500 Boxes and Where Information is Pulled
Video: Printing a HCFA 1500 form
My printed HCFA form is not aligned.
Video: Aligning your HCFA 1500 form
HCFA 1500 Box 11 - How to enter 'NONE' to be displayed
HCFA 1500 Box 12 - How does signature on file get added to a professional claim form?
HCFA 1500 Boxes 14 & 15: Initial Visit and Onset Dates
HCFA 1500 Box 17 - How do I print the referring/supervising provider's information
HCFA 1500 Box 19 - How Do I Add a Billing Note
HCFA 1500 Box 21 - Procedure Code Qualifier
HCFA 1500 Box 24J - How Do I Enter an Individual or Group Provider Identifier?
HCFA 1500 Box 31 - Print License On the claim form
HCFA 1500 Box 32 - Setting the Service Location
HCFA 1500 Box 33 - How Do I Use an Alternative Pay to Address
HCFA 1500 Box 33b - How Do I Enter an Individual or Group Provider Identifier?
Void Claim or item on a claim
How to Submit a Voided Claim to a Payer?
Video: Submitting a Void Claim
How to delete a charge on an appointment from the Live Claims Feed
Workers' Compensation Claims
New York Form C4.3 - Doctor's Report of MMI/Permanent Impairment
Submitting Worker's Comp Claims through DrChrono
Submitting claims to multiple Workers' Compensation Insurances
Carisk Partners (fka iHCFA) - How to Attach Documents to Workers Comp Claims
How to fix a claim rejected stating “RELATED CAUSES CODE: REQUIRED; MUST INDICATE ACCIDENT FOR PAYER.“ on Workers' Compensation Claims
CPT Updates
CPT 2023
CPT 2022
2022 CPT, ICD-10, and HCPCS code updates
CPT 2021
E & M coding changes- effective January 1, 2021
Changes to 2021 E & M Codes
Patient Payments
DrChrono Payments
INTERNAL: Multiple Merchants with DrChrono Payments
DrChrono Payments: Applying payments to multiple Merchant IDs
DrChrono Payments: Error message
DrChrono Payments: Saving Credit Card Information without Processing a Payment
DrChrono Payments: Processing a payment from the patient demographics
DrChrono Payments: Credit Card Funding Time
Stripe M2 Card Reader
DrChrono Payments: Getting started with Stripe
DrChrono Payments Stripe: Light indicators on BBPOS hardware
DrChrono Payments: Viewing Daily Discount Deposits via the dashboard
DrChrono Payments Stripe: If the device will not read the credit card
DrChrono Payments: Stripe Dashboard
DrChrono Payments: Stripe common decline codes
DrChrono Payments: Stripe Refunds and Reversals
DrChrono Payments: Stripe reporting
DrChrono Payments: Stripe Funding Time
DrChrono Payments: Stripe - Understanding Processing Fee Billing
DrChrono Payments: Stripe PCI Compliance
DrChrono Payments: Stripe - how to update existing bank information
DrChrono Payments: Stripe documents for identify and home address verification
DrChrono Payments: Stripe business verification
DrChrono Payments Stripe: When the mobile app does not recognize the BBPOS device
DrChrono Payments: Setting up hardware BBPOS Chipper 3XBT
DrChrono Payments: Stripe Common Failure and Decline Codes
DrChrono Payments: Voiding a payment
DrChrono Payments: How to set up your account
DrChrono Payments: Purchasing hardware
DrChrono Payments: Processing a patient payment on the web
DrChrono Payments: Processing a payment from the appointment screen
DrChrono Payments: Processing a patient payment on the iPad
VIDEO: DrChrono Payments: Patient Payment Screen
VIDEO: DrChrono Payments: Appointment Window
VIDEO: DrChrono Payments: Live Claims Feed
DrChrono Payments: Processing a patient refund
DrChrono Payments: Setting up on OnPatient
DrChrono Payments: WorldPay Common Failure and Decline Codes
DrChrono Payments: WorldPay Understanding Chargebacks
DrChrono Payments: WorldPay PCI Compliance
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments - Potential Migration Paths
INTERNAL: Troubleshooting steps if M2 Card Reader does not sync with DrChrono Payments
INTERNAL: Payment Matrix
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments error message
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments: Stripe Integration Definitions
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments & Stripe Escalation Path
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments Portal IQ demo
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments Stripe - how to troubleshoot hardware issues
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments - How do I know who is the processor for an account?
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments: Stripe Integration Pricing
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments: FAQ
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments and PCI-DDS talking points
INTERNAL: Video - DrChrono Payments Training
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments - how to turn on the option for a client
INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments FAQ
Applying Patient Discounts
How do I apply a discount on a patient's account?
Auto Fill and Auto Allocate Options
Patient Payments Auto Allocation FAQ
Auto Fill Patient Payments
Correcting posting errors
Correcting a payment in the Patient Payments system
Deleting a payment in the Patient Payments system
How to delete payer adjustments and/or patient responsibility amounts
How Do I Unallocate a Payment if it is Posted to a Wrong Appointment?
Allocated and Unallocated payments
Allocated vs Unallocated Patient Payments
Refunding an Unallocated Payment
Moving patient payments
Apply money from unallocated to the appointment while in Patient Payments
Apply money from unallocated to the appointment while in the Live Claims Feed
Moving money from an appointment to a patient's unallocated
Patient Payment Plans
Patient Payment Plans: Setting up your DrChrono account to accept patient payment plans
Patient Payment Plans: Minimum Monthly Payment Amount
Patient Payment Plans: Creating a plan for your patient
Patient Payment Plans: Flag on patient account
Patient Payment Plans: Skipping a payment
Patient Payment Plan: Making an additional payment
Patient Payment Plans: Late Payments
Patient Payment Plans: Reporting
Patient Payment Plans: Processing Payments from the Reporting Screen
Patient Payment Plans: Canceling an existing payment plan
Patient Payment Plans: Processing monthly payment plan payments
Patient Receipt
Text, Email, and Print options for patient receipts
Video: Printing Patient Superbills
Patient Receipt and Superbill
Patient Refunds
Issuing a patient refund with Stripe
Payment Profile
Payment Profile for Cash Appointments
Posting Patient Payments
VIDEO: Custom Payment Types
Customizing your available payment types
Getting Started with Patient Payments
Payments tab under Patient Payments
Line Items tab under Patient Payments
Logs tab under Patient Payments
Balance tab under Patient Payments
Posting a patient payment in the Patient Payments screen
Patient Payments in DrChrono
Posting a patient payment in the Appointment screen
Increasing efficiency when posting using Auto Set Billing Status
How to Post a HRA Payment?
DrChrono EHR features that work with in-house payments and payment partners
Stripe Payments
Patient Payments through Stripe in DrChrono
How to Use the Stripe Dispute Dashboard
How to Use the Stripe Evidence Upload Tool
Square Payments
Square Hardware Compatible with DrChrono
Connecting Square to your DrChrono Account
Using Different Locations with Square in DrChrono
Processing Square Payments through DrChrono EHR
Square Payments on the iPhone EHR App
Processing Payments through Square on the iPad EHR App
Issuing a Refund Through Square
Patient Text-to-Pay
Text-to-Pay: How does it work?
Text-to-Pay: Initiating a text link from within the patient's chart
How to update name and address on text-to-pay link
Text-to-Pay: Resending a payment link
Text-to-Pay: Resending a receipt
Text-to-Pay: Refunding a payment
Insurance payments
Adjustment Codes on EOBs and ERAs
What do the CO, OA, PI & PR Mean on the Payment Posting?
Adjustment Master
How to use the Adjustment Master screen?
Archiving EOBs and ERAs
How to archive an EOB/ERA.
Crossover Payer
INTERNAL: Cross Over Payer
Crossover payers
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Paper Checks
Does the Insurance Payment go to DrChrono or will it Come to the Practice?
How can I convert to EFT payments?
Electronic Remittance Advice (ERAs)
Manually uploading ERAs
Sorting of ERA/Remittance Report Files
INTERNAL - Duplicate 835/ERA file
How does DrChrono handle duplicate ERAs?
How to manually upload an ERA
Can I Share ERAs with my Previous Biller?
What are Unmatched ERAs?
Video: Unmatched ERA
Insurance Credit Card Payments
Insurance Credit Card Payments: What are they?
Insurance Credit Card Payments: Do I have to accept it?
Insurance Credit Card Payments: How do I process it?
Insurance Credit Card Payments: How do I attach an ERA?
Insurance Credit Cards: Can I refund or send back the money via the virtual card?
Insurance Interest Payments
How Do I Post an Interest Payment from a Payer?
Insurance Retractions/Pull Backs
How to Post a Retraction Payment from the Insurance Company?
Manual Adjustments
How to Bulk Adjust Claims
Is there an automated way to adjust balances?
How do I post a payer/insurer/provider adjustment?
Moving charges listed under Ins Bal to the patient
Manual Posting
Posting Multiple Insurance Transactions from a single EOB
Payment Automation
How to auto set a billing status when ERA is received and patient paid the balance in full?
Reconciling ERAs/EOBs and deposits
Manually verifying ERAs prior to posting
How Can I Reconcile the ERA and EOB payments?
Expected Reimbursement on your fee schedule
Remittance Reports
Where do I find all my ERAs and EOBs?
Video: Remittance Reports
Business Intelligence Tools
Reporting options
Denial Analysis Report
Payment Analysis Report
COVID-19 Resources
New modifiers FQ and FR
COVID-19 Vaccine Code Tool
Adding the COVID-19 Vaccine to a Patient's Chart
How to Access the Coronavirus Screening Questionnaire in DrChrono
Coronavirus Disease 2019: Ordering Labs in DrChrono
Patient Education Management
Patient Education Materials: How do I use a document another provider uploaded?
Patient Education Materials: How do I view public documents?
Patient Education Materials: How do I privately share a document with my patient?
Patient Education Materials: How do I upload and share a document publicly?
EHI Bulk Data Export
Completing the Access Request Form (EHI Export Practice Level Permission Request)
Single Patient and Bulk Export File Folder Contents (EHI Export)
EHI Export FAQ
Glossary: Data Elements (EHI Export)
DrChrono EHI Export Reference Guide v1
Internal Workflow - EHI Bulk Patient Request
Creating a New Request : EHI Export
EHI Export: Overview
Clinical Notes and Charting
The Many Ways You Can Start Charting
Clinical Notes
How to use the Copy Diagnostics to Clipboard function
Reordering procedure and diagnosis codes within the clinical note
Using Print Section to Print a Letter
How to Bulk Lock Clinical Notes
Adding an Amendment to a Patient's Chart
Recording Vitals and How the Data is Displayed (Web & iPad)
Pediatric Growth Charts
Charting By Exception
How does a supervising provider sign off on a rendering provider's clinical note?
How to Search for a Clinical Note
Accessing Patient Documents when Charting on the Web
Add an amendment to a clinical note
How do I unlock a clinical note?
I can't find my patient's clinical note!
How do I copy a previous note?
Printing and Downloading Your Clinical Notes
How do I lock a clinical note?
Note Settings
Reducing the Header and Footer Size on a Clinical Note
How do I reorder my note?
Excluding Diagnosis and Billing codes from Clinical Notes
How do I hide medications and allergies from the clinical note?
Pre-populating Diagnosis Codes (ICD-10) from the Patient Problem List
How do I automatically copy ICD-10 diagnosis codes to my patient's chart?
Form Building
Form Builder
How to create a custom clinical workflow profile
How to create a form tag
Form Builder - beta (New Version)
Form Builder Direct Archive (Form Builder New Version)
What is the difference between New Section and SOAP section fields?
Form Builder Overview
Form Tools: New Fields Explained
Excluding Forms from the Clinical Note
Adding Clinical Codes to Forms
Setting a Workflow Form
Making a Form Persistent
How to Build OnPatient Forms
Can I make the yellow notepad persistent when charting?
Setting a Form as your Default Template
Recovering Deleted (Archived) Clinical Forms
How do I create clinical forms?
Form Builder: How do I customize form fields?
Why do I have to lock clinical notes when I archive/delete a field or form?
How do I use Switches as Smart Fields?
Getting Started with the Form Builder
Editing the Preset Clinical Forms in DrChrono
Where do I need {{value}} when I am building a form?
How do I use reference fields in the Form Builder?
Making Form Fields Required
Photo and video resources for your notes
Reordering Forms
Detailed Clinical Note Formatting
How do I manage freedraw settings?
Creating and Using Macros
Form Library
Sharing Templates with Other DrChrono Users
Adding and Setting Up Consent Forms
Overview of Vital Flowsheets
Adding Vitals to Vital Flowsheets
Creating Custom Vitals
Health Gorilla - List of connected labs
Quest Diagnostics - Good Faith Estimate Tool
Getting Started: Integrating with Labs
FAQ: DrChrono Lab Integrations, Health Gorilla, Labcorp, Quest Diagnostics, and Lifepoint
Health Gorilla is not Loading in my DrChrono Account
Ordering Labs in DrChrono from the Patient's Chart
Ordering Labs from the Clinical Note
How to Create Favorite Lab Panels
How do I cancel a lab order?
Quest Label Printing
Quest Diagnostics - Lab Testing Pricing Estimation
Labcorp Label Printing
DYMO Installation and Troubleshooting
Using Health Gorilla in DrChrono
How to Rename a Lab Account (Internal)
Renaming a Lab Account
Labs: Why can't I order from certain codes?
Recording a Manual Lab Order
Set Up and Registration eRx and EPCS
ID.me (Liveness) Improvements
Setting Up eRx with ID.me
Setting Up EPCS with ID.me
Upgrading your ID.me Account for Liveness
I use ID.me to prescribe with another system. How do I set up for ID.me for use with DrChrono?
Adding or Changing a Device for Multi-Factor Authentication with ID.me
My identity was verified with an ID.me Trusted Referee. What do I do next?
How do I set up EPCS for multiple states?
Can I use the eRx feature from two different EHR systems (one being DrChrono)?
Confirming a Provider's Identity for EPCS
eRx Prescribing
RxChange Provider Optimization Effective November 2023 (For Internal Use Only)
How to prescribe for eRx Supervising Providers with Multiple Locations (web)
CoverMyMeds Service Desk User Guide
Diagnosis Codes in Rx (ONC Changes)
RxFill Message (ONC Update)
Rx Change Requests
How to electronically prescribe a compound medication with a controlled substance
Prescribing Medications via DrChrono's Web App
Canceling a Prescription in the Prescription Logs
Canceling a Prescription
How to prescribe a compound medication for a non-controlled substance
eRx Refill Requests
How do I send multiple eRx orders at the same time from the patient chart?
Refilling a Medication
Controlled Substances (EPCS)
Electronically Prescribing Schedule III and IV Controlled Substances
Electronically Prescribing Controlled Substances based on the DEA Schedule
ePrescribing with multiple SPI (SureScripts Prescriber ID) locations from the Web
Prescription Drafts
Schedule III and IV Refill Maximums
Batch Ordering Schedule II Controlled Substances
Prescribing with your Narcotics Addition DEA Number (NADEAN)
GHB Controls
Electronically Prescribing Controlled Substances with ID.me in DrChrono
Controlled Substances Audit Log
Controlled Substance Refill Requests
Prerequisite Legal Registrations Necessary for EPCS
EPCS: Do I meet the requirements to prescribe controlled substances?
EPCS System Requirements
EPCS: Can I send multiple schedule II medications in a prescription?
Additional Resources
How do I enter days supply in prescriptions and medications?
Making Prescription Profiles
Refill Requests: What's new?
Ordering DME (Durable Medical Equipment)
Sending a Prescription with a Supervising Provider
Setting Up Your Bamboo Health Integration
How to Use CoverMyMeds on the Web
How do I use the alternatives/copay/coverage pane?
How to Print Your Patient's Medication List
eRx: What do the U/NF/NR/NP/PX (formulary) symbols mean?
Setting up Favorite Prescriptions
How can I print a prescription?
Working With Pharmacies
Immunizations Registry - Vaccination Information Statement
Onboarding Steps for Iron Bridge Integration - Immunization Registries
How to use the Iron Bridge Integration (Immunization Registries Partner)
FAQ- Submitting a Prior Authorization using the CoverMyMeds integration (Web)
Video: Submitting a Prior Authorization using the CoverMyMeds integration (Web)
Submitting a Manual Prior Authorization - CoverMyMeds integration(Web)
Video: Setting Multiple Favorite Pharmacies for Patients
Submitting a Prior Authorization using the CoverMyMeds integration (Web)
Setting Multiple Favorite Pharmacies for Patients
Searching for Your Patient's Pharmacy
Managing your Favorite Pharmacies
Appropriate and Inappropriate Use of the 'Notes to Pharmacy' Field
FAQ- Iron Bridge Integration (Immunization Registries Partner)
IIS Publicity Profile - Immunization
Immunization Records
Immunization Registry
Clinical Notes in the CCDA with the New Form Builder
C-CDA Importing and Reconciling Patient Data
Importing and Merging Data for a C-CDA for an Individual Patient
Exporting an Individual Patient's CCDA File
What data is included in CCDA exports from DrChrono?
Enhanced CCD-A Exporting (Bulk Export and Scheduling of Export)
How do I upload a document to a patient file?
Tag Management
How do I create tags to attach to a patient document?
Audit Log
Inventory Management
Document Management
Document Management: Uploading/Importing Multiple Documents for different patients.
Customer Support & Troubleshooting
Contacting Support
How to enable "inactive providers" for vaccine records- Immunization Registries (Internal Process)
Internal: Support Pin Process Flow
DrChrono Support PIN
Live Chat Support
Live Chat FAQs
DrChrono Phone Support
How do I submit a support ticket?
Managing Your Support Tickets
How do I get help as a DrChrono user?
Finding Help while in DrChrono
How to Update to the Latest Web Browser
Using Google Analytics 4 (GA4) with the DrChrono Scheduling Widget
INTERNAL: Unlocking a Provider Account
Enabling your browser's camera for video visits on Microsoft Edge
Enabling your browser's camera for video visits on Firefox
Enabling Your Browser's Camera for Video Visits on Safari
Enabling your browser's camera for video visits on Chrome
INTERNAL: Information to gather for DrChrono Support if your system is slow or freezing
Why am I not receiving notification emails?
Can I delete a clinical note?
What do I do if my fax isn't working?
Supported File Types
How do I contact the support team?
What are the system requirements to use DrChrono?
How do I change the email address connected to my DrChrono account?
Subscribe for DrChrono System Notifications with Our Status Page
I am having trouble getting connected
How do I setup printing from my iPad?
How to Disable Emoji Reactions for Telehealth Visits
Browser Extension and Security FAQ
Why can't I fax this document?
Troubleshooting Speech to Text
Messages & Tasks
DrChrono EHR Mobile iPad
Paysimple on iOS
Taking Payments with DrChrono Payments on iOS (iPad and iPhone)
Viewing a Patients Past and Future Appointments on the iPad
Date and Time Selection During Appointment Creation Process on iPad and iPhone (iOS)
Adding Breaks on the iPad EHR App
View Existing Appointments by Office when Scheduling
How do I hide breaks from my appointment list on the iPad?
How do I reorder items on my patient's appointment detail view?
How do I remove items on my patient's appointment detail view?
How do I change an appointment's profile on the iPad?
Scheduling New Appointments on the iPad
Viewing Your Schedule on the iPad
How do I change my appointment status?
How to Delete or Reschedule an Appointment on the iPad
Patient Menu
Inviting a Patient to OnPatient on the iPad App
Uploading a Document through the iPad
Taking a Clinical Photo on the iPad
How can I add and view family history on the iPad?
Using the Filters on the Timeline Feature
Accessing the Timeline on the iPad
How do I enter onset date in my iPad?
How do I add a patient's picture to their chart on the iPad?
How do I create a patient on the iPad?
How do I fax a document from the iPad?
How do I order a lab on my iPad?
How do I view my patient's history and documents on the iPad?
Adding Your Signature to a Referral on the iPad
Real Time Eligibility Check on the iPad
Adding Medications to the Patient Medication List on the iPad
How to save your pen and color selections when using the freedraw tools on the iPad?
What does the 'Out-Of-Date Clinical Note Error' mean?
Using the Free Draw Feature Outside of a Clinical Note
Using the Save Section Feature to Add Signatures to Forms on the iPad EHR App
Inline Workflow on DrChrono's EHR App
Using Voice Commands for Speech-to-Text on the iPad
Copying a Previous Note on the iPad
How do I add a supervising signature on the iPad?
How do I search for unlocked/unsigned clinical notes on my iPad?
Adding Forms from the Form Library on the iPad App
How do I customize my charting pages on the iPad?
Taking Clinical Photos on the iPad in the Clinical Note
Entering Vitals on Your iPad
Attaching a Lab Result to a Clinical Note on the iPad
Upload a Saved Image, Document or Past Clinical Note to a Clinical Note on the iPad
Adding an Image with a Free Draw Field
How do I create a clinical note on the iPad?
How do I use drawing tools on the iPad?
Signing and Locking a Clinical Note on the iPad
Using M*Modal's Speech-to-Text With DrChrono
Push Notifications on iPad
What is the most recent version of the iPad app?
Customizable Patient Menu on the iPad
Accessing Support on the iPad App
Add a Patient's Address to the Appointment Window on the iPad
Using Multi-Finger Touch for Faster Navigation on the iPad
Change or Disable the DrChrono iPad Pin
Enable Touch ID Fingerprint or Face ID Login on the iPad
Run a Meaningful Use Report on the iPad
Message Center and Tasks
Message Center Overview on the iPad
Creating a Task on the iPad
Sending a Referral through the iPad
How do I sign inbound faxes on the iPad?
Practice Chat on the iPad
Adding a Signature to Outbound Faxes on the iPad
Prescription Drafts on the iPad
Prescribing with your Narcotics Addition DEA Number on the iPad
GHB Controls on the iPad
Batch Ordering Schedule II Controlled Substances on the iPad
How do I enter days supply in prescriptions and medications on the iPad?
Canceling a Prescription on the iPad
Compound Medications on the iPad
How do I search for a pharmacy by zip code on the iPad?
How do I use the dose calculator on the iPad?
Setting Default and Favorite Pharmacies on the iPad
Electronically Prescribing Controlled Substances with ID.me on the iPad EHR
Prescribing via the DrChrono EHR iPad App
Refilling a Medication on the iPad
Telehealth on the iPad
Scheduling an Appointment during a Telehealth Appointment on the iPad
Sharing your Screen during a Telehealth Appointment with the iPad
Quick Charting on the iPad
Video Visits on the iPad EHR App
DrChrono EHR Mobile iPhone
Scheduling an Appointment from the iPhone EHR app
Adding Breaks on the iPhone EHR App
How to Delete or Reschedule an Appointment on the iPhone
Appointments List Capabilities through the iPhone EHR app
How do I change an appointment's profile on the iPhone?
How do I remove items on my patient's appointment detail view?
How do I reorder items on my patient's appointment detail view on the iPhone?
How do I hide breaks from my appointment list on the iPhone?
How do I change my appointment status on the iPhone?
Patient Menu
Adding a patient through the iPhone EHR app
Patient Menu Items on the iPhone EHR App
Uploading a Document through the iPhone
Taking a Clinical Photo on the iPhone
How can I add and view family history on the iPhone?
Accessing the Timeline on the iPhone
How do I add or change a patient's picture to their chart on the iPhone?
How do I order a lab on my iPhone?
How do I view my patient's history and documents on the iPhone?
Adding Medications to the Patient Medication List on the iPhone
Logging a Phone Call from the iPhone EHR App
Saving Your Pen and Color Selections When Using the Freedraw Tools on the iPhone
How do I create a clinical note on the iPhone?
Signing and Locking a Clinical Note on the iPhone
Copying a Previous Note on the iPhone
Adding Favorite Templates to the iPhone
How do I search for unlocked/unsigned clinical notes on my iPhone?
Entering Vitals on Your iPhone
How do I add a supervising signature on the iPhone?
Taking Clinical Photos on the iPhone in the Clinical Note
Upload a Saved Image, Document or Past Clinical Note to a Clinical Note on the iPhone
Using the Save Section Feature to Add Signatures to Forms on the iPhone EHR App
Attaching a Lab Result to a Clinical Note on the iPhone
How do I use drawing tools on the iPhone?
Using M*Modal's Speech-to-Text With DrChrono on the iPhone
Using Voice Commands for Speech-to-Text on the iPhone
Enable Touch ID Fingerprint or Face ID Login on the iPhone
Change or Disable the DrChrono iPhone Pin
Add a Patient's Address to the Appointment Window on the iPhone
Accessing Support on the iPhone App
Customizable Patient Menu on the iPhone
Push Notifications for iPhone
What is the most recent version of the iPhone app?
Sending a Prescription through the iPhone EHR App
Sending a Favorite Prescription on the iPhone EHR App
Compound Medications on the iPhone
Message Center and Tasks
Message Center Overview on the iPhone
Practice Chat on the iPhone
How do I sign inbound faxes on the iPhone?
Sending a Referral through the iPhone
Creating a Task on the iPhone
How do I fax a document from the iPhone?
Adding Your Signature to a Referral on the iPhone
Telehealth on the iPhone
Scheduling an Appointment during a Telehealth Appointment on the iPhone
Sharing your Screen during a Telehealth Appointment with the iPhone
Quick Charting on the iPhone
Video Visits on the iPhone EHR App
DrChrono Check-In App
Check-In App Overview
Taking a Picture of Insurance Cards in the Check-In App
Adding Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation to the Check-In App
Adding a Patient on the Check In App
Creating an Appointment through the Check-In App
Set Up
What version of the EHR and Check-In app I am running?
Customizing the Check-In Workflow for Onboarding/Kiosk Mode
Disabling Your Top/Home Button with Guided Access
Getting Started with Kiosk Mode
Using Practice Chat through the Check-In App
M1 Mac
M1 Mac
M1 Mac: DrChrono EHR App
OnPatient for Providers
Getting Started With OnPatient
How does a patient activate their OnPatient account?
DrChrono and OnPatient: Overview
OnPatient: Scheduling, Rescheduling & Canceling an Appointment
OnPatient Basics
An Introduction to OnPatient: Core Features & Capabilities
Account Management
Enabling Online Scheduling in Your Office
How to Access Your OnPatient Settings
Customizing the OnPatient Onboarding/Check-In Interface
Familiarizing Yourself with OnPatient Onboarding/Check-In
Families Using Onpatient (What if my entire family only wants to use one email address?)
Automatically Sending OnPatient Invitations through Reminders and Appointment Confirmation
OnPatient Settings: Automatically Inviting New Patients to OnPatient after their First Appointment
OnPatient Settings: Enabling Lab Results
Billing and Patient Payments
Square: Save Patient Card Info & Process Payment
OnPatient FAQ: Why can't my patients see statements in OnPatient?
Adding a Credit or Debit Card in OnPatient
Automatically Sending Statements to OnPatient
Enabling Patient Payments in OnPatient
Checking In for an Appointment with OnPatient
Rescheduling an Appointment Through OnPatient
Viewing Past Appointments in OnPatient
Canceling an Appointment through OnPatient
Viewing Notifications of Appointments Scheduled through OnPatient
Patient Management
How do I know if my patient has signed up for OnPatient?
A patient has left our practice. How do they disconnect their OnPatient account?
My patient already has OnPatient account with another office. Can I connect them to my OnPatient?
Can a patient change their profile photo through the OnPatient portal?
Editing Basic Patient Information through OnPatient
How do I send or resend individual OnPatient invites?
Bulk Inviting All Patients to OnPatient
Allowing Your Patients Access to Their Clinical Summary Through OnPatient
Communicating through OnPatient
Adding an Attachment from an OnPatient Message
How to Enable OnPatient Messaging
Sending Secure Messages to Patients
Sending Files to Your Patient
Sending a Message or Picture to a Provider through OnPatient
How can I view messages I previously sent to my patients?
OnPatient FAQ
How do I make a patient's CCDA available to them in OnPatient?
OnPatient FAQ: Can providers that share a patient on OnPatient view each others' information?
OnPatient FAQ: Why isn't my office showing up in OnPatient?
OnPatient FAQ: How do I remove a representative?
How do I set up representatives on my OnPatient account?
OnPatient FAQ: Why can't my patients select an office to schedule an appointment?
OnPatient FAQ: Why is a provider not being shown in OnPatient?
OnPatient FAQ: How many of my patients are using OnPatient?
Can I set up an OnPatient account so I can see what the patient sees?
Why does OnPatient need an email address and password? Is this a requirement?
How does a patient view lab results in OnPatient?
Can the patient edit their Medication/ Allergies and Problems?
Mobile App
OnPatient App Overview Video
OnPatient Mobile App Overview and Settings
Sharing Health Data from your iPhone
Checking In to an Appointment
Messaging with Providers
Scheduling an Appointment on the OnPatient App
Instructions for Setting Up Health Records on iPhone
Telemed Visits with the OnPatient App
OnPatient for Patients
Account Management
How do I activate my OnPatient account?
What are the password requirements for OnPatient?
I forgot my OnPatient password. How do I reset it?
How do I cancel my OnPatient account?
Accessing Your Health Profile through OnPatient
Paying patient statements through the OnPatient portal
I already have an OnPatient account with another provider's office. Can I connect with OnPatient to a different doctor's office?
What is the Representative option used for?
How do I change the email address associated with my OnPatient account?
When I clicked on the OnPatient invite I received, I was unable to complete the sign up process. I tried to start over, but I am not able to do so, why?
I don’t feel comfortable providing my Social Security Number as part of the identity verification process for OnPatient portal access. Do I have any other options?
Families Using OnPatient: What if my entire family only wants to use one email address?
How do I disconnect my OnPatient account?
Activating your FHIR APIs
What is FHIR API?
How to Add/Save Credit Cards and Make Payments in Onpatient for DrChrono Payments
How do I access my Good Faith Estimate in OnPatient?
How do I download or send my CCDA file in OnPatient?
What is OnPatient?
How do I create an OnPatient account?
OnPatient Overview Video
How is my information kept secure?
Appointment Scheduling
How do I schedule an appointment on OnPatient?
How do I see the appointments I've scheduled?
How do I check past appointments?
How do I complete the Onboarding Forms prior to an appointment?
How do I cancel an appointment?
I would like to schedule an appointment with my doctor using OnPatient but am unable to, why?
My appointment time shown in my Onpatient account differs from what I scheduled with my healthcare provider, why?
Patients Invited by Doctors
Can I communicate with my doctor using OnPatient?
How do I give my doctor information about a medical issue?
How do I review messages I've sent?
How do I access my lab results?
I am unable to attach files and send it to my provider. What is the file format that I can attach?
OnPatient Mobile App
OnPatient App Overview Video
OnPatient Mobile App Overview and Settings
Telemed Visits with the OnPatient App
Scheduling an Appointment on the OnPatient App
Checking In to an Appointment with the OnPatient App
Messaging with Providers
Sharing Health Data from your iPhone
Partner & API Resources
Partner Resources
e-prescribing with First Databank (FDB) FAQ
First Databank FAQ
Updox & DrChrono, single sign on link
Drug Database Migration - Coming Soon to DrChrono!
Recall Partners
Waitlist Partners
INTERNAL: Setting Up FigMD for Accounts
DrChrono's Partner Marketplace
DrChrono Partner Support
DrChrono Partner Newsletter
Health Gorilla
Getting Started with Health Gorilla
FAQs & Troubleshooting
Partner Support
Additional Resources
WebMD Practice Pro
Holly by Nimblr
Getting Started
What is a DrChrono API application?
Getting started with our APIs via Postman
Getting Started as a Developer
Getting Started as a Practice
FAQs & Troubleshooting
Patient Management
Telehealth with Multiple Offices
What's New with Telehealth
Getting Started with Telehealth in DrChrono
Consent Forms and Telehealth Visits
Joining a Video Visit for the Patient
Telehealth Visits - FAQ
Telehealth Troubleshooting FAQ
Task Center
Viewing Tasks by Due Date
How do I create a task?
How do I edit a task?
How do I delete a task?
How do I create a task status?
How do I view an archived/deleted task?
How do I create a task template?
How do I change the status of a task?
How do I create a task category?
How do I assign a task to a group?
Account Customization
Automated Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) with DrChrono
How to create a Custom Patient Payment Type
Creating Custom Patient Demographics
Using Custom Demographics to Record Attorney Information
Message Center and Communication
Practice Chat Notifications
Sending Referrals
Message Center Notifications
Communicating with your Patients
(Video Tutorial) How to use the Iron Bridge Integration -Immunization Registries Partner
Where does the Reason for Referral information come from?
Sending a Referral (Web)
Adding a Referral and Managing Referral Source Permissions
How can I add a referring doctor to my contacts?
Everything You Need to Know about Faxing within DrChrono
Attaching a Fax to a Patient's Chart
Splitting a Fax
How do I port my fax number out of DrChrono?
What should I do if my sent faxes are too dark, too light, blurry, hard to read?
How do I port my fax number to DrChrono?
Can I send a message through faxing? (Without attached referrals or documents)
How do I rotate faxes within DrChrono?
Where can I locate my fax number?
How many fax pages does my plan allow?
How do I access practice chat from the web based EHR?
Emailing Patients
Sending Email through DrChrono
Saving an Email Template
Direct Messaging
Setting Up Direct Messaging
Sending Direct Messages
Patient Management
Eligibility Checks in the Appointment Window vs. the Patient's Chart
Real-Time Eligibility Verification from a Patient's Chart
Chart Management
Prior Authorization Alerts
Adding Implantable Device Information to a Patient's Chart
Accessing the Patient Chart from different areas of DrChrono
Tracking Your Patient Problems with the Patient Problem List
Downloading Patient Documents
How to Use the Medication History Feature
Adding Supplements to the Medication List in a Patient's Chart
How do I print out all medical records for a patient?
How to Track Bulk Appointment Packages with Authorizations in DrChrono
How do I log a phone call with a patient?
Exporting Patient Demographics
How to Add Medications to the Medication List
How to find your inactive patients?
Patient Information
Adding a Patient's Previous Name and Address to the Chart
Adding Race Subcategory to a Patient's Chart
How to add a responsible party to my patient's chart
How do I resubscribe a patient's email address?
Adding Family History to a Patient's Chart
Adding a Referring Provider to a Patient Chart
Adding Gender Identity and/or Sexual Orientation to a Patient's Chart
Adding Care Team Members to a Patient's Chart
Duplicate Patient Warnings
Patient Demographics
Loading a Profile Picture from your Desktop
How do I delete/make a patient inactive or deceased?
How do I add new patients and how do I edit information on existing patients?
Patient List
Patient Flags
How to Create a Patient Flag
Adding a Flag to a Patient
Removing a Patient Flag
Patient Flag Alerts
Patient Flags Enhancement to Display in Patient Chart Header and Clinical Notes Header
Consent Forms
Archiving Signed Consent Forms
Patient Groups
Creating and Managing Patient Groups
Availability Search
Appointments Dashboard
Bulk Appointments
Appointment Recovery
Reordering procedure and diagnosis codes within the patient's appointment on the schedule
How Recurring Appointments Work in DrChrono
Setting your Exam Room Calendar Increments
How do I schedule an appointment? (EHR Web)
CDS Rule Flags in the Appointment Window
Changing an Appointment's Status (Web)
How do I create a custom appointment status?
The Appointments Dashboard
Canceling an Appointment
Hiding Canceled and Rescheduled Appointments from the Schedule
How do I delete an appointment?
Recovering a Deleted Appointment and Clinical Note
Blocking Non-Working Hours (Breaks/Vacation)
How do I delete a break from the schedule?
How do I add a patient flag to an appointment?
Time Zone Support
What do the lock and flag icons on my appointments mean?
How do I know who scheduled an appointment?
Scheduling Recurring Appointments
How do I see all recurring events?
How do I remove a recurring appointment?
Changing the Provider on an Appointment from the Appointment Window
Attaching a Consent Form to an Appointment
Enabling or Disabling Overlapping Appointments
Duplicate Appointment Warning
Bulk Schedule Appointments
How do I schedule multiple appointments in the same exam room at one time?
How to Have a Specific Number of Patients Book Appointments for the Same Time Slot
How do I use availability search?
My patient's appointment moved! How did this happen?
What do those tiny initials mean on appointments?
Creating a Custom Appointment Field
How do I view the schedule by office or by doctor in DrChrono?
Printing Calendar Appointments
Using the Scheduling Widget
Printing Appointments for any Specific Date Range
How do I color code an appointment?
Appointment Profiles and Templates
How to Add a New Appointment Profile
How do I edit my appointment profiles?
How do I add consent forms to an appointment profile?
How to Build an Appointment Profile
Appointment Templates: Associating Offices, Exam Rooms, Dates, and Times with Appointment Profiles
How do I add a date range to my appointment templates?
Enabling Appointment Templates in All Calendar Views
How to Monitor Outgoing Reminder Usage
Reminder Language Settings
Verifying your Patient's Cell Phone Number for Text Message Reminders
Verifying Your Office Phone Number for Reminder Caller ID
Adding Reminders to an Appointment
How do I change the pronunciation of my name in appointment reminders?
Reminders Are Getting Sent Out Too Early or Too Late (wrong timezone setting)
How to Set Up a Follow-Up Reminder
Creating and Using Reminder Profiles
Editing Reminder Profiles and Appointment Reminders
Are my patients getting their reminders?
Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Rules
General MIPS Information
Is DrChrono CEHRT certified?
Importing QRDA I Files
Exporting QRDA I Files from DrChrono
Exporting QRDA III Files
Accessing The CQM Value Set
CCDA Files and DrChrono
What is MACRA and its timeline?
What is MIPS?
MIPS & DrChrono
(MIPS) Performance Categories Overview
MIPSpro by Healthmonix
(MIPS) Submitting Your Data
(MIPS) Verifying Your Final Eligibility
(MIPS) Selecting a Reporting Option
Navigating the MIPS Dashboard
MIPS 2024 Individual vs. Group Reporting
Getting started with MIPS ( 6 steps)
Improvement Activities (IA)
MIPS Reporting
MIPS Assist Program
(2024 MIPS) Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information
How to Apply for a MIPS 2023 COVID Exception
2023 Quality Payment Program Special Statuses
Check Your MIPS Participation Status
What's New for MIPS in 2023?
eCQMS 2024
MIPS 2024
(2024 MIPS) Immunization Registry Reporting
2024 MIPS Reporting Resources
(2024 MIPS) Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
(2024) High Priority Practices Guide of the Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides
Promoting Interoperability (PI) 2024 MIPS Dashboard Reporting
MIPS 2024 Quality Payment Program Special Statuses
Promoting Interoperability (PI) 2023
How To Calculate Eligible Clinician Promoting Interoperability Performance Category Score
Promoting Interoperability (PI) 2023 Dashboard Set Up and Overview
Security Risk Analysis
High Priority Practices Guide of the Safety Assurances Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides
(MIPS) e-Prescribing
Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information
What to Expect with FHIR APIs
Overview of ConnectEHR
Setting Up ConnectEHR for FHIR
Immunization Registry Reporting
(MIPS) Electronic Case Reporting
Support Electronic Referral Loops by Sending Health Information (HIE Option 1)
Support Electronic Referral Loops by Receiving and Reconciling Health Information (HIE Option 1)
Health Information Exchange (HIE) Bi-Directional Exchange (HIE Option 2)
Enabling Exchange Under the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) (HIE Option 3)
Syndromic Surveillance Reporting (Optional)
Public Health Registry Reporting (Optional)
Clinical Data Registry Reporting (Optional)
Entering Data into DrChrono to Sync with Healthmonix MIPSpro (Video)
eCQMs through DrChrono 2023
Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan eCQM CMS2v12
Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report eCQM CMS50v11
Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record eCQM CMS68v11
Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan eCQM CMS69v11
Functional Status Assessments for Heart Failure eCQM CMS90v12
Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9%) eCQM CMS122v11
Colorectal Cancer Screening eCQM CMS130v11
Diabetes: Eye Exam eCQM CMS131v11
Initiation and Engagement of Substance Use Disorder Treatment eCQM CMS137v11
Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention eCQM CMS138v11
Use of High-Risk Medications in Older Adults eCQM CMS156v11
Controlling High Blood Pressure eCQM CMS165v11
Healthmonix MIPSpro Procodes
Quality Measures through Healthmonix MIPSpro 2023
CMS Measure ID 1: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control
CMS Measure ID 113: Colorectal Cancer Screening
CMS Measure ID 117: Diabetes: Eye Exam
CMS Measure ID 128: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan
CMS Measure ID 130: Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record
CMS Measure ID 134: Preventative Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan
CMS Measure ID 226: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention
CMS Measure ID 236: Controlling High Blood Pressure
CMS Measure ID 238: Use of High-Risk Medications in Older Adults
CMS Measure ID 374: Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report
How can I report on other measures with Healthmonix?
Quality Measures 2022
CMS Measure ID 1: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control (CMS122v10)
CMS Measure ID 113: Colorectal Cancer Screening (CMS130v10)
CMS Measure ID 117: Diabetes: Eye Exam (CMS131v10)
CMS Measure ID 128: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan (CMS69v10)
CMS Measure ID 130: Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record (CMS68v11)
CMS Measure ID 134: Preventative Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan (CMS2v11)
CMS Measure ID 226: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention (CMS138v10)
CMS Measure ID 236: Controlling High Blood Pressure (CMS165v10)
CMS Measure ID 238: Use of High-Risk Medications in Older Adults (CMS156v10)
CMS Measure ID 305 (eCQM): Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment (CMS137v10)
CMS Measure ID 374: Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report (CMS50v10)
CMS Measure ID 377 (eCQM): Functional Status Assessments for Heart Failure (CMS90v11)
MIPS 2022
Where do I enter information and data in DrChrono in order to report it with Healthmonix MIPSpro?
Promoting Interoperability 2022
Promoting Interoperability (PI) 2022 Overview
Security Risk Analysis
High Priority Practices Guide of the Safety Assurances Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides
Adding Prescriber Information to an Office
Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information
Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Bonus
Immunization Registry Reporting
Electronic Case Reporting
Support Electronic Referral Loops by Sending Health Information
Real World Testing
DrChrono 2024 Real World Testing Plan
DrChrono 2023 Real World Test Results
DrChrono 2023 Real World Test Plan
DrChrono 2022 Real World Test Results
DrChrono 2022 Real World Test Plan
Release Notes
Release Notes DrChrono Web
Release Notes for 2024-06-21
Release Notes for 2024-06-07
Release Notes for 2024-05-24
Release Notes for 2024-05-09
Release Notes for 2024-04-25
Release Notes for 2024-04-12
Release Notes for 2024-03-29
Release Notes for 2024-03-15
Release Notes for 2024-02-29
Release Notes for 2024-02-16
Release Notes for 2024-02-02
Release Notes for 2024-01-18
Release Notes for 2024-01-05
Release Notes for 2023-12-21
Release Notes for 2023-12-14
Release Notes for 2023-11-30
Release Notes for 2023-11-17
Release Notes for 2023-11-03
Release Notes for 2023-10-23
Release Notes for 2023-09-29
Release Notes for 2023-09-15
Release Notes for 2023-08-29
Release Notes for 2023-08-15
Release Notes for 2023-07-28
Release Notes for 2023-07-14
Release Notes for 2023-06-30
Release Notes for 2023-06-16
Release Notes for 2023-06-02
Release Notes DrChrono Mobile
Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.105
Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.104
Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.103
Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.102
Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.101
Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.100
Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.99
Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.98
System Reports
Creating a Report for Upcoming Appointments
Reporting on Custom Demographics
How do I access generated reports?
Patient Reports
Generating an Appointment Report
Exporting Your Audit Logs
Using the Clinical Audit Log
Creating Patient Groups from Reporting
How do I run a report with the list of patients' insurances?
How do I generate a report showing all of my locked notes?
How to Obtain a List of Patients Who Have not Had an Appointment Recently
Generating a Patient Flag Report
Generating a Report of Patients with Addresses and Other Demographic Information
How to Track Patients Who are Connected to OnPatient
Productivity Reports
How do I run a report?
Account / User Report
Productivity Report
Reminder Report
Appointment Report
Telehealth Report
Patient Report
Communication Log Report
Medication Report
Problem Report
Allergy Report
Labs Report
Advanced Report
Video Tutorials
Video Tutorials
System Reports
The Audit Log (Video)
Billing Reports
VIDEO: Patient Balance/Ledger Report
DrChrono EHR Web
Account Management and Set Up
Uploading Consent Forms
eRx Favorites and Rx Profiles
Advanced Reporting in DrChrono
The DrChrono Dashboard
Creating a Staff Member (Video)
Setting Up and Creating Offices
Consent Forms and Telehealth Visits
Video Visits on the iPad
Video Visits in DrChrono Web
Account Customization
Vital Flowsheets
Custom Vital Signs
Macro Buttons
How to Create Custom Patient Demographics
Patient Flags
Communication and Tasks
Task Center Overview (Video)
Direct Messaging
Kiosk Mode in the Check-In App
Speech-to-Text on the iPad
Charting on the iPad
iPad EHR Overview Video
Messaging on the iPad EHR App
How to Save Signatures on the iPad
Square Payments on the iPad
Using Picklists in the EHR app
Making and Using Freedraw Fields
Onboarding a Patient with the Check-In App
Patients and Charting
Where to view patient flags throughout the clinical chart
How to Archive Signed Consent Forms (Video)
The Clinical Notes Page (Video)
Patient Groups
How to Cancel a Prescription (Video Tutorial)
Charting a Visit
Uploading Consent Forms
Navigating a Patient Chart
Uploading Documents to a Patient Chart
Setting Up OnPatient
OnPatient and DrChrono Side by Side: How They Work Together
An Overview of the OnPatient App
OnPatient for Patients Overview Video
Sending a Message through OnPatient
How to Set Up Online Scheduling
Invite a Patient to OnPatient
How to Hide Canceled and Rescheduled Appointments (Video)
Appointment Recovery
Scheduling an Appointment
Building Appointment Profiles on DrChrono
Appointment Reminders
Appointment Templates
Bulk Appointments
How to Add a New Patient on DrChrono
Form Building
Form Builder Overview
Short Text and Fraction Fields
Yes/No Fields
Switches and Smart Switch Fields
Single and Multiple Select Fields
Free Draw Fields and Diagrams
Header and Subheader Fields
Form Building Options Menu
Form Editing and Sharing
Using the Form Library
Complete Note Format and Form Reorder
Adding Billing Profiles to Forms
VIDEO: Billing Pick List Overview
Creating Custom Procedure Codes
Custom Price on Fee Schedule
Front Office
Ancillary Medical Staff
Clinical Providers
Revenue Cycle Management
Video Tutorials
Video Tutorials
An Overview of the OnPatient App
03/20/2025 2:53 pm EDT
Check out this video for a tour of the OnPatient app.