How to enroll with ePS for just real time eligibility checks
**** Please note, if you submit any request other than real-time eligibility (Claims and/or ERA) you could potentially impact ALL of your claim submissions ****
For any questions, please reach out to support .
Here is...
How to access the eProvider Solutions Enrollment Portal
To access the EPS (eProvider Solutions) portal to submit requests for claims, electronic remittance advice, and eligibility inquiries:
Navigate to Billing > Enrollment.
The screen that appears will begin the pro...
VIDEO: Navigating the eProvider Solutions Enrollment Portal
Integrated with your DrChrono account is an enrollment portal for ePS (eProvider Solutions) to make it easy and efficient to submit your enrollment requests and check on their status in real-time. The video below will walk you through the p...
ePS Enrollment Module - What do the different statues mean?
Within the ePS (eProvider Solutions) enrollment portal, you can see different statuses under the Managed Submitted tab. They include:
Form Created, Provider Action Required
Digital Signature - The form can be signed digital...
ePS: Available services display in the patient's chart
For customers utilizing eProvider Solutions (EPS) as your clearinghouse during the Emergency Access, you can see in your patient's chart what services (Electronic Claims, ERAs, Eligibility) are available for each payer. If you are not currently...
What happens with my ERAs?
DrChrono will continue to receive ERAs from Change Healthcare (once they are back online) for your account and they will post as usual, even if you submit a request to change your clearinghouse to eProvider Solutions (ePS). Once your payer E...
Change Healthcare Payer ID to ePS Payer ID Crosswalk
Attached is a crosswalk from Change Healthcare Payer IDs to ePS (eProvider Solutions) Payer IDs. It can identify the corresponding payer ID between Change Healthcare and eProvider Solutions.
Note - To easily find a Change Healthcare p...
What if a payer requests a certain field/provider number to show in a specific field?
The Insurance Setup screen has multiple functionalities. Depending on how your provider/organization is credentialed, some claims may need to be billed with an individual NPI or SSN while another is billed with the group NPI and TIN. This scree...