Updated Articles

  1. How do I reorder items on my patient's appointment detail view on the iPhone?

    In the EHR app , all your appointment information is viewable in the Appointment Detail View pane underneath your patient's basic information. To customize this area, you can rearrange or add/remove fields. To reorde...
  2. Taking a Clinical Photo on the iPhone

    You can add a clinical photo to a patient's chart on the iPhone without having to be in a clinical note. 1. Tap on the patient menu ( ) in the patient appointment window or by searching for the patient. Tap Take Clinical Photo ....
  3. How do I add a supervising signature on the iPhone?

    On the web EHR, a supervising provider can sign off on a rendering provider's clinical note (Guide found here ). This functionality is also extended to the iPhone EHR app. Supervising signatures on the mobile app works the same way as on the web....
  4. OnPatient FAQ: Why is a provider not being shown in OnPatient?

    If your patient is cannot see your practice's list of providers, their account may not be connected to your DrChrono EHR. In order for a provider to be shown in OnPatient, they must be using a DrChrono account. ...
  5. I already have an OnPatient account with another provider's office. Can I connect with OnPatient to a different doctor's office?

    If you already have an OnPatient account with one doctor, you can also connect to the OnPatient portal of a completely different doctor's office. 1. You will receive an invitation to connect with your new provider. Select Sign Up Now . ...
  6. My appointment time shown in my Onpatient account differs from what I scheduled with my healthcare provider, why?

    The OnPatient portal shows the appointment time based on the time zone setup on your computer. For example, if your healthcare provider is located in the Pacific time zone and your computer time is set up in the Eastern time zone, your appointments ...
  7. Sharing Health Data from your iPhone

    You can share the health data on your iPhone with your provider. This data will sync into the 30-day snapshot in your health record for your provider to view. 1. Navigate to the Account menu. 2. Select Set Up Health Data Sharing . ...
  8. Clearinghouse Information: Contacts, Credentials, and Web Portals

    **** IMPORTANT **** If you try to utilize a name and password and receive an error message, PLEASE reach out to whomever the password belongs to and ask. Repeated failed attempts can and will lock the account, creating a second issue...
  9. What versions/generations of iPad and iPhone are supported by DrChrono?

    Supported iOS Devices in DrChrono DrChrono currently supports all Apple hardware running iOS versions 14 and later and all compatible devices. Apple does not support all devices in each iOS release and will periodically discontinue support f...
  10. How do I sync my DrChrono calendar to my Google Calendar?

    With DrChrono you can sync your DrChrono calendar to your Google Calendar. This feature is designed to provide a convenient way to quickly glimpse at your day's schedule but is not a replacement for the DrChrono scheduling system. Limita...