Updated Articles

  1. How to bulk submit claims

    If you have multiple claims needing to be sent to the same payer, you can save yourself some time and keystrokes by submitting them altogether. Note: Bulk submitting claims is for the initial submission of claims. It c...
  2. ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 5.08.2024

    ePS Payer ID DRC Payer ID CMD Payer ID Name Line of Business Claims Impacted By CHC Claims Enroll? Claims Re-Enrollment Required Status Date Active Payer Notes HMF95432 95432 95432 Facey Medical ...
  3. Prior Authorization Reform Bill making its way through Congress

    The Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act of 2022 ( H.R. 8487 ) was passed by the House Ways and Means Committee on July 27, 2022. If passed, the legislation " would add requirements that would better regulate the use of prior authorizat...
  4. How Do I Set Up Courtesy Billing and How Does it Work?

    In a courtesy billing scenario, a patient pays the full cost for their care upfront and the practice then files a claim on the patient’s behalf, as a courtesy, to have the insurance company reimburse the patient directly. To redir...
  5. Good Faith Estimate: What if I need to add charges after the main service was rendered?

    There may be a time where during providing the service as described in the estimate, additional services/equipment/supplies are needed that were unexpected when the estimate was created. There is an easy way in the DrChrono Patient Cos...
  6. ePS - Reinitiating an enrollment request

    If an enrollment request submitted to eProvider Solutions is returned for additional information or denied, you now have the option to update/correct the information and reinitiate the request, instead of submitting a brand-new request. ...
  7. INTERNAL: eProvider Solutions - Initial email template to clients re: ePS transition

    Initial Transition Email Communication-Legacy (1).docx Email Initiating Transition with Legacy Customers Subject: PLEASE REVIEW: Migration to New Clearinghouse Hello {{Customer Name}}, We are excited ...
  8. Using the Qty/Min feature in the Live Claims Feed

    Often when assembling a patient's invoice, there will be multiple units of the same CPT/HCPCS/Revenue Code. DrChrono has integrated a Qty/Min feature to make accounting for multiple units of the same code a breeze! Navigate to Billing > Liv...
  9. How to fix a claim rejected stating “RELATED CAUSES CODE: REQUIRED; MUST INDICATE ACCIDENT FOR PAYER. “

    If the patient's services are the result of an accident, the payer will want that information disclosed on the claim. The directions below will show you how to add the information so the claim can be resubmitted and processed. Hover ...
  10. Why is my claim rejected for “Service line COB” information?

    You can receive a rejection "Service line COB"when you submit a claim to secondary insurance when the primary insurance payment details posted are not correct or incomplete. In the screenshot here, the billed amount is $1...