ePS - eProvider Solutions


eProviderSolutions (ePS) Claim Scrubbing
If you are utilizing eProvider Solutions (ePS) as your clearinghouse, your claims will now have a pre-scrubbing before being submitted to the payer. This scrubbing will alert you to any missing information or errors in the claim in real-time so...
eProvider Solutions- Who are they?
ePS or eProvider Solutions is a clearinghouse that is integrated with DrChrono. Through the setup process, your implementation specialist will show you how to submit EDI (claims), ERA (explanation of benefits), and eligibility inquiry ...
eProvider Solutions- Will my payer ids change?
The short answer is, that they can. There are several national payers, such as Aetna, Cigna, Humana, and United Healthcare that keep the same payer ID number across all clearinghouses. The best source of information is the eProvid...
ePS: Available services display in the patient's chart
For customers utilizing eProvider Solutions (ePS) as your clearinghouse, you can now see in your patient's chart what services (Electronic Claims, ERAs, Eligibility) are available for each payer. If you are not currently enrolled for a service ...
eProvider Solutions - Payer Search
If your account is utilizing eProvider Solutions (ePS) as your clearinghouse, any payer that you have either completed or started an EDI enrollment with, will appear at the top of any payer search you complete. They will show at the ...
eProvider Solutions - Submitting paper secondary claims
For those payers who cannot accept secondary claims electronically, eProvider Solutions (ePS) can print the claim and submit it to the payer on paper for processing. There is nothing that you need to do to make this happen. When a ...
Insurance Set up Screen for those utilizing ePS clearinghouse
The Insurance Setup screen has multiple functionalities. Depending on how the provider/organization is credentialed, some claims may need to be billed with an individual NPI or SSN while another is billed with the group NPI and TIN. This screen...