Updated Articles

  1. If I Have Submitted my EDI and/or ERA Paperwork, Can I Bill Claims Right Away?

    Can claims be submitted and ERA transactions received immediately after submitting the EDI and/or ERA agreement ? No. The payer will need time to process the paperwork within their processing systems, referred to as the payer turn-...
  2. ePS Enrollment Module: Payer View

    While working on your EPS submissions, you may need to pause your work and return to it later. You will find all of your started, but not submitted enrollments under the Continue Unsubmitted tab under Billing > Enrollment. The screen...
  3. Viewing more than one appointment concurrently in the Live Claims Feed

    Sometimes while working on claims, it's necessary to look at two different dates of service simultaneously. DrChrono makes it easy to do right from the Live Claims Feed! Here is how to find the option: Hover over the Billing tab ...
  4. How many NPI numbers/Tax ID’s can I have associated with my account?

    For an independent provider: If you are an independent provider you can enter one rendering Type- 1 NPI number and one billing NPI number, typically this will be the same number. They could be different if you are credentialed and billing u...
  5. HCFA 1500 Box 11 - How to enter 'NONE' to be displayed

    Most insurances do not require box #11 (Insured's policy group or FECA number) to display the word "NONE". However, you may come across this scenario specifically with Medicare. To update this information, please follow the steps outlined below: ...
  6. Patient Payment Plan: Making an additional payment

    If your patient is on a monthly payment plan, the system will expect the amount of the payment established when the plan was first created. It is listed in the Payment Amount column in their chart under the OnPatient Payments tab > Patient Paym...
  7. Text-to-Pay: Refunding a payment

    If you need to refund a patient's payment, you can do so under Billing > Patient Payments. Locate the patient's chart and the payment that needs to be refunded. On the right side of the screen, you will see a button ...
  8. Posting Multiple Insurance Transactions from a single EOB

    To make things easier to post multiple payments from a single-payer EOB, DrChrono has an area that allows for the posting of multiple lines of transactions instead of adding a line item for each charge. Go to Billing > Live Claims Feed ...
  9. Setting a Workflow Form

    Setting a form as workflow allows you to replace the content under the Preset forms with a form you have under the Additional tab by setting it as workflow. DrChrono comes with many prebuilt templates for H&P and SOAP no...
  10. Ordering Labs from the Clinical Note

    Labs can be ordered from the clinical note under the Plan section under the H&P or SOAP forms. 1. Click on the Labs tab next to 'Clinical Info'. Select +New Order and choose the lab vendor you would like to use. ...