Updated Articles

  1. What happens with my ERAs?

    DrChrono will continue to receive ERAs from Change Healthcare (once they are back online) for your account and they will post as usual, even if you submit a request to change your clearinghouse to eProvider Solutions (ePS). Once your payer E...
  2. Introducing Your Core Billing Tools

    DrChrono provides many tools for you to effectively and efficiently process your claims and keep up-to-date on your financials. Here is a quick introduction to the various tools available to you. Billing Summary The bill...
  3. Entering in an additional NPI number and Tax ID for billing purposes

    This article will show you how to enter an additional NPI and Tax ID (TIN) number to use for billing. This is useful if you have two billing NPI and Tax ID (TID) numbers used for the same provider. This would be used, for example, if a pr...
  4. VIDEO: Creating and using a Custom Billing Status

    Check out this video to learn how custom billing statuses can help your practice. If you would like to see the directions in writing, you can refer to this article . ...
  5. How Do I Use an Alternative Pay to Address on Patient Statements?

    Please follow the below instructions to use an alternative pay-to/remit-to address on the patient statement. You would use this option if you do not want patient payments coming directly to your office. They could be directed to an alternate, ...
  6. INTERNAL: How to update the phone number showing on a patient billing statement

    If a provider needs to update the number showing on their patient billing statement, you can easily update it for them. The first thing you will need to understand is whether it is a " For questions about billing call " (blue box bel...
  7. Save Time with Auto Eligibility Checks

    With DrChrono Real-Time Eligibility you have the ability to automatically check patient eligibility prior to a scheduled appointment, saving you the time of running the checks manually. To configure an eligibility check to run automatic...
  8. Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet) Updates: Patient Payments tab

    The fifth tab listed under the Financial Transactions Report (fka Day Sheet) is the Patient Payments tab. Here is where you can see patient payments added for the parameters you set. The controls available include: Sta...
  9. How do I Run a Report for a Specific Payment Method?

    To get a report on different Patient Payment methods, please follow the steps outlined below: 1. Navigate to Billing and select Financial Transactions ( Day Sheet) . 2. Enter the Date range and click on the Patient Paym...
  10. Are Payer IDs Specific to the Clearinghouse or the Insurance Company?

    Each payer or insurance company has its own payer ID number to accept electronic claims. It is the electronic address , so the clearinghouse knows which payer/insurance company to send the claim to. Some national payers, such as Aetna (60054...