Updated Articles

  1. INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments: Stripe Integration Pricing

    With our new Stripe integration with DrChrono Payments (aka PaySimple), our clients will be subject to the following pricing: Flat Rate Pricing Card Present Transactions - 2.75% and $0.30 Card Not Present Transactions - 3.50% and...
  2. INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments: FAQ

    Define PaySimple and DrChrono relationship PaySimple is a payments integration to DrChrono aka DrChrono payments, we are both owned by the same parent company. Payments Specialist has view/access to the back end of software where payment...
  3. INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments and PCI-DDS talking points

    Instructions for those using WorldPay Why and what the benefits are: Confirmation that the client is receiving and storing credit card info safely per PCI-DDS regulations How to log in and complete the survey: https://sa...
  4. INTERNAL: Video - DrChrono Payments Training

    Training videos on DrChrono payments held in early 2023- Link to an internal training session on DrChrono Payments from 2/14/2023 https://paysimplecorp-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/randi_beavers_drchrono_com/ERvbuMLWA-FKoT0...
  5. INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments - how to turn on the option for a client

    If a client requests to be turned on for DrChrono Payments (aka PaySimple), here's how you can make that happen. #1 - the client must be on updated Patient Payments (v2). It won't work on the previous version(v1). (Note - as of M...
  6. INTERNAL: DrChrono Payments FAQ

    Does DrChrono Payments offer a way to set up recurring/membership payments? DrChrono payments does not have this functionality at present (Dec 2022). We should still refer clients to CG/Fortis if they need this type of setup. Upd...
  7. Editing Reminder Profiles and Appointment Reminders

    DrChrono allows you to send reminders to patients for their upcoming appointments automatically. If you want to customize the timing and the type of correspondence and/or attach a custom message it is easily done. You can edit reminders at the appoi...
  8. Are my patients getting their reminders?

    DrChrono enables you to send reminders to your patients in the form of an email, SMS text message, and/or a phone call. You can see the status of reminders in the appointment window and in the reminder report . DrChrono also gives you the abi...
  9. How to upload a Profile Image and Business Logo

    DrChrono makes it easy to add branding to your emails and official forms. There are two pictures you can change to customize your business's profile. The first is your practice's Profile Picture which will be attached to patient emails. The...
  10. How do I add a suffix, credentials or salutation to my name?

    1. To add a suffix, credentials, or salutation to your name, first go to Account > Provider Settings . You will land on the Profile tab by default. 2. On this page, you can select your salutation from the dropdown list an...