Updated Articles

  1. INTERNAL: Checking ePS enrollment status without breaking glass into client's account

    If a client has enrollments pending with ePS, you can check their status without having to break the glass into their account. Here's how: Navigate to Swords > Quick View Select ePS Enrollment Status from the menu on t...
  2. Will Rescheduled Appointments Show up on the Live Claims Feed?

    When an appointment's status is set to Rescheduled or Canceled , it will not show up in the Live Claims Feed. However, if you manually edit/reschedule the original appointment for a later date without setting the appointme...
  3. Why is this Claim Being Rejected?

    Claim rejections from DrChrono's billing system, the clearinghouse, or the payer will be displayed in your Live Claims Feed (LCF) for review, correction, and resubmission. Here's how to identify them: 1. Hover over Billing and selec...
  4. HCFA 1500 Box 19 - How Do I Add a Billing Note

    Occasionally, you might need to add extra information to Box 19 on the HCFA claim form that will be transmitted to the payer with the claim. DrChrono makes it easy to add whatever you need. Once inside of the appointment ( Billing > L...
  5. HCFA 1500 Box 21 - Procedure Code Qualifier

    On both professional and institutional claims, the entity must disclose whether ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes are being utilized. Since October 1, 2015 claims have been required to use ICD-10 coding. DrChrono will automatically print the procedure cod...
  6. DrChrono Payments: Stripe Funding Time

    With Stripe through DrChrono Payments, you will receive your payout typically 2-days from the day the card was charged. To receive funds within the 2 days, the credit card transaction must be processed by 8 pm EST. Any cards processed after the 8...
  7. Patient Payment Plans: Canceling an existing payment plan

    If you need to cancel an existing payment plan, you can easily do so by following the instructions below: Navigate to the patient's chart > OnPatient Payments > Patient Payment Plan header Through the b...
  8. How to Post a HRA Payment?

    Increasingly employers are offering employees an HRA, or Health Reimbursement Account to help offset medical expenses. It's not really an insurance payment or a patient payment. Currently, we do not have the option to post the HRA p...
  9. DrChrono EHR features that work with in-house payments and payment partners

    You can use some of DrChrono's tools to facilitate the process of automating adding charges to an appointment. You can use appointment and billing profiles to set up charges for scheduled appointments. Appointment and billing profiles in conj...
  10. How can I convert to EFT payments?

    During the initial setup of your EDI/ERAs, the insurance company will often share information regarding enrolling for EFT payments, instead of receiving paper checks. The setup is separate from EDI (claim submission ) and ERA (elec...