Updated Articles

  1. Bulk Schedule Appointments

    You can schedule multiple appointments at once with our bulk appointment tool. You have the option to schedule appointments in sequence or at the same time. 1. Go to Schedule > Bulk Appointments . 1. First add the pa...
  2. How do I schedule multiple appointments in the same exam room at one time?

    DrChrono, by default, allows you to schedule one appointment at a time per exam room. There is a way to change this setting so that you can schedule multiple appointments at one time. Here's how: 1. Go to Account > Provider Sett...
  3. How to Have a Specific Number of Patients Book Appointments for the Same Time Slot

    If you would like a specific number of patients to be able to book appointments for the same timeslot, here is how you can make it work through online scheduling. For example: If you only want 3 patients to book appointments for a specific tim...
  4. How do I use availability search?

    Availability Search is a tool that helps you find free time to schedule appointments and can be found by going to Schedule and selecting Availability Search . On the Availability Search page, you can look for appointments...
  5. My patient's appointment moved! How did this happen?

    DrChrono does not automatically move appointments. Sometimes a staff member may accidentally move an appointment from the website or the iPad. Here's how you can check if someone within your practice moved an appointment. 1. Go to Clinical >...
  6. How do I change the pronunciation of my name in appointment reminders?

    We always suggest when you're setting up your practice, that you have a test reminder sent to your phone number so you can see the SMS text that gets sent and hear the reminder message that will be left for your patients. You may discover that...
  7. Reminders Are Getting Sent Out Too Early or Too Late (wrong timezone setting)

    You can adjust your timezone setting to ensure that reminders go out to your patients in the correct time zone. Setting the Timezone 1. Go to Account > Provider Settings and select the Profile tab. 2. Selec...
  8. Setting a Default Appointment Time

    You can set a default appointment time in your account so that appointments will be booked for the time you set. You can always change individual appointment times or set appointment times with appointment profiles . To set a default appoi...
  9. Removing Staff Members (Inactivate Staff)

    DrChrono does not allow for the complete deletion of staff members from the system, however; you can make a staff member inactive so they are no longer able to access the system. In order to do this please follow the below steps. 1. Hove...
  10. ePS Reconnection Payer List (F-M) as of 4.26.2024

    ePS Payer ID DrC Payer ID Name Line of Business Claims Impacted by CHC Claims Enroll? Claims Re-Enrollment Required Status Date Active Payer Notes HMF95432 95432 Facey Medical Foundation P No NO ...