By default, OnPatient online payments are disabled. If this setting is enabled and you have an integration with DrChrono Payments , your patient may use a credit or debit card to make payments through the patient portal.
Enabling Pati...
If you have been communicating with your patient through the OnPatient portal, you can view the list of messages you have sent in DrChrono.
You can see the messages you have sent in the Message Center or in the patient's chart.
Learn how to use appointment templates for scheduling in your account.
Learn how to use switches and smart fields on your forms.
The moved cash option in the Financial Transactions Report (fka Day Sheet) will allow you to see your receivables in two different ways. When payments are posted in DrChrono, the posting date is captured along with the payment amount. DrChrono...
DrChrono makes viewing your Accounts Receivable a breeze. Your patient and insurance balances can be viewed by the aging bucket or by payer. Check out the video below to see how.
Here is a link to an article that will walk...
So, you've completed all of your initial enrollments (EDI for claims; ERA for electronic remits; RTE for real-time eligibility, if required) but now need a few more. How do you proceed? With TriZetto's STEM portal, the proc...
On an institutional claim, a 4-digit code in box 4 identifies the type of facility and type of care, and the frequency code is generated based on parameters set under the office settings and attached to a patient's claim.
Facility Level ...
The HCFA 1500 text form should be used if you have the pre-formatted red HCFA paper loaded into your printer. If you are printing on plain, white, 8.5" x 11" paper, you want to use the HCFA 1500 non-text option. It will...
When you are billing the claims to a Workers' Comp insurance, ensure the insurance information is updated in the Demographics > Workers' Comp section. This will give you the option to enter all of the applicable information and have that inform...