

TriZetto Clearinghouse Payer IDs
Each payer or insurance has its own payer ID number to accept electronic claims. It serves as the electronic address , so the clearinghouse knows which payer/insurance company should receive the claim. Some national payers, such as Aetna...
Requesting additional TriZetto (professional) enrollments
So, you've completed all of your initial enrollments (EDI for claims; ERA for electronic remits; and RTE for real-time eligibility, if required) but now need a few more. How do you proceed? With TriZetto's STEM portal, the process ...
Requesting additional TriZetto (institutional) enrollments
So, you've completed all of your initial enrollments (EDI for claims; ERA for electronic remits; RTE for real-time eligibility, if required) but now need a few more. How do you proceed? With TriZetto's STEM portal, the proc...
How Does Switching Clearinghouses Impact Practice Collections?
The process of transitioning clearinghouses is pretty straightforward. It will usually just require a redo of the enrollment paperwork. While payers will accept incoming claims (usually EDI or 837 files) from multiple sources (multiple...