Updated Articles

  1. What is DrChrono's data recovery plan?

    DrChrono's strategy for data resiliency is to maintain a number of independent live copies and backup copies. Live copy refers to the data that is regularly accessed as part of normal software operations. Maintain multiple live copies of th...
  2. Single and Multiple Select Fields

    Learn how to use single and multiple select fields in your forms. ...
  3. Medicare to eliminate pre-auth requirements for some DME beginning Jan 1, 2023

    Effective January 1, 2023, Medicare is eliminating certificates of medical necessity (CMN) and durable medical equipment information forms (DIF) for some services. If either a CMN or DIF is submitted with claims for dates of service January...
  4. Editing ICD-10, CPT, or HCPCS Code Descriptions

    You can add custom descriptions to ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS codes listed in DrChrono to use a more common language or preferred terms for your office by utilizing a Billing Pick List . The picklist is made up of codes added to your fee sched...
  5. Good Faith Estimate: How do I add notes to my patient's estimate?

    Within the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) tool, there are a couple of places where you can add additional notes that will show on the printed or electronic version of the estimate. Per Item While adding a new charge to the estimate: ...
  6. Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet): Understanding the Options

    Within the Financial Transactions Report (fka Day Sheet) (Billing > Financial Transactions (Day Sheet), there are 2 important options available to you; the Default view (red box) and the Reimbursement Analysis view (blue box). They can b...

    When you are billing the claims out to the Auto Accident insurance, update the insurance information in the Demographics > Auto Accident section. This will give you the option to enter all of the applicable information and have that infor...
  8. Billing a Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Claim

    DrChrono makes billing a DME claim a breeze! After the insurance information is added to the patient's chart, simply navigate to the patient's appointment in the Live Claims Feed (Billing > Live Claims Feed > Patient's Appointment). ...
  9. Video: Printing a UB04 form

    Check out this video and learn how to print UB04 (institutional) claim forms for your patients. Here is an article that will walk you through printing a UB04 form. ...
  10. UB04 Box 6 - Start/End Care Dates on an institutional claim

    When billing institutional care, the start/end dates of care included on that billing statement must appear in box 6 of the UB04 claim form. In DrChrono, it is easy to enter/update this information from within the patient claim in the Live Cla...