Missing Tests in Account
STEP 1: Read this customer-facing guide here: Labs: Why can't I order from certain codes?
STEP 2: If a customer is just noticing this behavior change, they should reach out to Quest/LabCorp.
If the account notices has never been able to order from these results, continue with the following steps.
STEP 3: Locate the original setup project if it's a LabCorp interface. LabCorp setups are found in the Zendesk labs queue. Quest setups are sent to questint@drchrono.com. For Quest issues, contact Quest directly. We do not support custom panels for Quest and therefore it's likely the test is not in their global HUB CDC or the code has been phased out.
STEP 4: Check to see if the project has a custom utilization report
STEP 5: View the report and check to see if the lab code is in the report (LabCorp only, we do not support Quest custom utilization)
STEP 6: Check for a custom utilization upload in JIRA. We may not have uploaded the custom utilization correctly the first time around or the request may not have been submitted to engineering. There is a new tool that was just released and depending if the log has an upload history, we can check there.
STEP 7: Refile the JIRA OR if there is a tool to upload you may re-upload there. Be sure that the upload tool does not duplicate the tests (check with engineering)!
Missing Results
STEP 1: Verify the account has a lab interface setup through setup/enrollment
STEP 2: Verify a requisition was sent out, if the requisition is found, take note of the requisition number.
STEP 3: Search ZD for a 'Failed to match doctor to lab result' error
STEP 4: Search for a matching order. If there is no order found, call Quest/LabCorp and provide them with the requisition number. They can tell you if there is a problem with the account.
Can't Send Orders
STEP 1: Verify the account has a lab interface setup through setup/enrollment
STEP 2: Send a Roundtrip or PASO requisition through the setup/enrollment page. If not, manually break the glass and send a test lab through the lab order page.
STEP 3: Check the labs queue for a lab order issue. The most common error is:
"Unable to find a valid Provider XXX Account XXXXXXXX, and Hub Account HORI24361 drChrono HORI24361 provisioning"
STEP 4: Deciphering the lab error
We get these errors directly from Quest/LabCorp.
- "Provider SEA" means a provider registered at the Quest/LabCorp business unit SEA (location-based)
- Account XXXXXXXX is the Quest/LabCorp account number, not the DrChrono account number.
- Hub Account HORI24361 is our production environment. HORI24361 is our production environment identifier.
- HORI24361 provisioning indicates that the order was provisioned from our interface.
What this means: Quest/LabCorp does not have this account registered to our production environment. Contact Quest/LabCorp and ask to speak with either the customer's sales rep or implementation project manager. They can verify if the account number was properly associated with our production environment account.