INTERNAL: Guide to Labcorp Integration

Oh no, what to do?

The customer wants Labcorp now.

This guide will save you.


Steps for Labcorp Integration

Lab integration is available for Hippocrates plans or higher. If you need to add Labcorp integration for your customer, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Inquire if the customer has a Labcorp Account Number

a. If Yes - The DrChrono Employee must complete the following form (please DO NOT share this link with customers):

  • To complete this form you will need the following
    • Practice Information: Name, Phone, Address
    • Client Contact Information: Name, Phone, Email, Labcorp Account Number
    • Vendor Information: Vendor ID = Doc ID from the CRM, Vendor Name = DrChrono Inc., Electronic Medical Record Product Name = DrChrono, Submitter Email = DrChrono employee email address
  • Once this form is completed you will receive a confirmation email with submission details.
  • If over 10 business days have passed from the date the form was submitted, you'll need to reach out to our Labcorp Vendor Analyst for DrChrono, Bryn Hauser (, and request a status update.

b. If No - Provide your customer with the following link to request a new Labcorp Account:

How to follow up on NEW Account Requests (submitted by customer)

2. Based on where your customer is located, a different sales lead must be contacted. To find out which sales lead to contact, open the Labcorp division map attached at the bottom of this article.

The sales leads are listed below. Find the state your customer is in and the corresponding email address based on the Labcorp division map. Also CC our Labcorp Vendor Analyst, Bryn Hauser |

Exercise your own style and judgment but here's a sample email:

TO: Bryn Hauser (, Mid-America Sales lead (


One of my clients, CLIENTNAME, filled out the request for Labcorp integration about a week ago, on MM/DD/YY. She did not see anything come through from your team.

Please take a look and see if there are any issues with this integration. Let me know if there is any additional information I can provide you with.

Best regards,


3. Mark that you've escalated to Labcorp on your Salesforce implementation notes + labs comments.

4. Labcorp should respond. If they don't you'll need to periodically follow up or engage your DrChrono Manager.

Labcorp Integration Denial Process - Volume Minimums

Labcorp requires that a practice have a minimum threshold of orders in order to integrate with DrChrono. If your customer hears back that Labcorp will not integrate with your customer because their volume is too low, please escalate to your DrChrono Manager.