Last Updated: 03/22/2025
in Regulatory MIPS Reporting
Healthmonix MIPSpro features other measures beyond the measures supported by DrChrono. You can select these measures for your MIPSpro dashboard for reporting.
While you are in your Healthmonix MIPSpro account selecting measures, you can a...
You can easily enter data in DrChrono to sync with Healthmonix MIPSpro. You can enter some data in multiple places. Please see our article on all the areas in DrChrono where you can enter data for reporting with Healthmonix MIPSpro.
Your ...
In DrChrono, the denominator is the total number of prescriptions you have generated (printed or sent electronically ). The numerator is the number of prescriptions you have sent electronically from DrChrono with the Send Prescription button.
Last Updated: 03/22/2025
in Patient Management Telehealth
Is there a way to select more than one office in the section "Select An Office for Telehealth"?
Currently, only one office can be selected for telehealth visits by the user. To select this office, go to Account > Offices and choose ...
Last Updated: 03/22/2025
in Patient Management Task Center
Task statuses are a great way for your practice to organize the task management workflow in the task center. Each task status is specific to a task category.
For example: If you create the status Verified under the category Lab Results t...
Whether you are porting your fax number from DrChrono to another EHR vendor or to a separate carrier, you will need to work with the new vendor to port your fax number from DrChrono. The new vendor will handle the process of porting your fax number...
For practices that work with prior authorizations, the DrChrono system has a feature in place that alerts you when five or fewer visits are left. It also includes a counter that alerts you to the number of future visits scheduled.
You can create your own appointment status(es) to fit the needs of your practice and workflow. The custom appointment status will appear in the status menu in the appointment window.
1. Go to Account > Custom Fields .
You can easily send controlled substance prescriptions on DrChrono's EHR app for the iPad Similar to sending a prescription through the web, there are two ways ID.me performs multi-factor authentication (MFA) to send prescriptions: a push notifica...
When you use your iPhone with the DrChrono app to complete a clinical note, you can have your favorite clinical templates ready for easy use.
Once you have started a clinical note there are three tabs across the top H&P/SOAP , Additional , ...