Updated Articles

  1. Free Draw Fields and Diagrams

    Watch this video for a quick tutorial on using free draw fields. Note : Freedraw fields will only appear on a note if they are interacted with and saved via the DrChrono EHR app on iPad or iPhone. This includes any images you upload to the...
  2. Release Notes for 2023-08-29

    What's new? Check out the release notes for DrChrono for August 29, 2023. Click Follow in the Release Notes section to be notified when release notes are published. Billing and Payments Summary Description Help C...
  3. CMS - Changes to Amount in Controversy Threshold effective Jan 1, 2024

    Did you know that the amount in controversy to obtain an administrative law judge (ALJ) hearing and/or a judicial review in federal district court is changing effective January 1, 2024? Beginning January 1, 2024, the thresholds will be: ...
  4. 2023 Clinical Lab Fee Schedule

    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the 2023 Clinical Lab Fee Schedule. It includes mapping new CPTs for clinical lab testing and updates for costs subject to the reasonable charge payment. The files can be acces...
  5. INTERNAL - How to tell which version Fee schedule a client is on? v1 or v2?

    With the new fee schedule version, there is a need to know which one a customer is on without having to break the glass into their account. The information will be displayed on the right side of the CRM page. Please see the orange box belo...
  6. Good Faith Estimate: What if I don't know a related provider's NPI or TIN?

    If you are adding a provider or facility to your estimate, the tool will ask for their Tax ID (TIN) and NPI. If you do not have them, you can skip over them, but it's highly encouraged to obtain the information to give your patient a complete e...
  7. VIDEO: Financial Transactions (Day Sheet)

    Here is an article that will walk you through utilizing the Financial Transactions (Day Sheet) report. ...
  8. Video: Aligning your UB04 form

  9. UB04 Boxes 12-13 - Adding an admission date and hour to an institutional claim form

    DrChrono makes it easy to add an admission date and hour to your patient's claim. It can be done right within the patient's encounter. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed > Inside the patient's appointment > Right column > Info tab ...
  10. HCFA 1500 Box 12 - How does signature on file get added to a professional claim form?

    The signature on file, box 12 on the HCFA-1500 form, is populated from the patient chart in two ways: manually or through signing a consent form. The signature on file can be found in the patient's chart by selecting the ...