Part of accepting assignment on your claims to insurance payers will usually direct the insurance payment to your office, rather than being sent to the patient. There are times when you need to "not" accept assignment.
In DrChrono, your ...
There are several places in DrChrono where you can apply Billing Profiles to make it easier to populate billing information and reduce time spent.
They include:
The appointment window
The clinical note,
The live claims feed,
A switch ...
DrChrono offers a variety of ways to look at your practice-created data.
Two frequently used reports are the Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet) and the Product Procedure Report. Here's a description of each and how they could be useful i...
In DrChrono, patients can have an unallocated payment amount on their account. These would be payments posted to their account but are not attached to a specific appointment. These payments would be prepayments for service and could be utiliz...
There might be instances where you would need to separate charges on a medical claim into two separate claims for a patient, before submission to the payer. In the DrChrono EHR, we refer to this as cloning claims.
Navigate to the Live C...
Box 14 of the UB04 institutional claim form requires a description of the patient's type of admission. You can quickly add this information via the patient's encounter under your Live Claims Feed.
Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Fe...
Note : Auto Allocation must be enabled by your account manager.
Once the auto allocation feature is enabled, you'll notice an Auto fill button toward the upper right side of the screen. The feature will have the system automatically al...
DrChrono provides several ways to process patient payments. This article will provide the resources for you to familiarize yourself with the different options so you can set your office up to efficiently process patient payments.
The thre...
In addition to posting from the Patient Payments section, you can also post a patient payment from within the appointment window. The screens look and operate the same. Which you use is going to depend on your function and which part of the...
Square refunds are started in DrChrono but need to be processed through the Square dashboard.
For more information on processing refunds in Square, see Square's resources here .
To issue a refund through Square, navigate to the Patien...