Updated Articles

  1. I've Updated the Patient's Insurance but it's not Reflecting in the Live Claims Feed

    When you update the insurance information in the patient’s demographics, it will reflect the change for appointments you create in the future. It does not change them retroactively. To change the insurance information for appoint...
  2. How to Resubmit a Corrected Claim?

    You can send a corrected claim by following the below steps to all payers except Medicare (Medicare does not accept corrected claims electronically). T. o submit a corrected claim to Medicare, make the correction, and resubmit it as ...
  3. UB04 Box 16 - How to add a discharge hour to an institutional claim

    DrChrono makes it easy to add the discharge hour to your patient's claim. It can be done right within the patient's encounter. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed > Inside the patient's appointment > Right column > Info tab ...
  4. HCFA 1500 Box 17 - How do I print the referring/supervising provider's information

    There are 2 different ways to print the referring provider's information in box 17 on the HCFA 1500 form. Persistent - You can enter into the patient's demographics so that it will appear on all of the patient's future appointments...
  5. DrChrono Payments: Saving Credit Card Information without Processing a Payment

    With DrChrono Payments, you can save patient credit card information without processing a payment, all from the patient's demographic section. While in a patient's chart, navigate to the demographics section and select the onpatient Payments...
  6. Patient Payment Plans: Processing Payments from the Reporting Screen

    You can quickly see what patient payment plans are due and process them manually if auto payment is not enabled. Navigate to Reports > Patient Payment Plan Report Click on the up arrow to the left of the Date of Ne...
  7. Adding and Setting Up Consent Forms

    Consent forms can be uploaded to your DrChrono account for easy association to appointments or for staff accessibility and storage. Our consent form interface is designed to be easily integrated into your practice and can streamline obtaining your p...
  8. Can I make the yellow notepad persistent when charting?

    Unfortunately, not. When a template is made persistent in the form builder, it only applies to the fields created in that template. The notepad section exists outside of the form and is not included in the persistent setting. The idea behind...
  9. Quest Label Printing

    Quest Specimen Labels in DrChrono In DrChrono, DYMO label printers can be used to print Quest Diagnostics specimen labels directly from the EHR. In order to print, you will need to install the required DYMO software. IMPORTANT - Do not conn...
  10. What is MIPS?

    Getting started with MIPS ( 6 steps) The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) is a program that will score your performance in 4 different areas: Quality (30%) Promoting Interoperability (25%) Improvement Activities (15%...