Setting Up Box Drive to Save ZOOM recordings


If you are a customer-facing team that needs to record your calls with customers and potentially have PHI in these recordings then saving these recordings to your local device (computer) it will make your laptop a walking vault of PHI, not the safest thing for HIPAA and PHI.

So how do I record these meetings safely to a HIPAA-compliant location without saving it locally? You can use BOX DRIVE.

Sidenote: For anyone that has been using box sync, this still saves recordings locally on your device (laptop). Luckily when you update to BOX DRIVE the setup process will archive those local files to box and will uninstall the box sync program.

Steps to download and setup BOX DRIVE for saving ZOOM recordings directly to box

  1. Navigate to

  2. Download Box Drive for Mac (if using DrChrono laptop)

  1. Open the installer and go through the installation process.
NOTE: You will likely need to update your system preferences to finish the installation.

  1. You’ll need to restart your computer to finish installing.

5. Once restarted navigate to Finder, go to applications, and select BOX:

  1. Walk through the box drive tour:

6a. If you have BoxSync you will be prompted to uninstall and archive local files:

  1. If you want to make sure it was completed, you can use the finder tool and see that box is now a folder option.

  1. Now open your zoom app on your laptop, go to your settings/preferences and navigate to recording and set your “Store my recordings at” to your new box folder and select a new location.

  1. You should now be all set to record your ZOOM calls directly to your box folder and bypass saving it locally to your computer.