To import a customer's Fee Schedule follow the steps below.
1. Log into your employee account.
2. From the internal tools tab (Swords Icon) choose 'Setup/Enrollment', or click here.
3.) Under the import category select 'Fee Schedule', or click here.
Please Note: The fee schedules MUST be in a .CSV format for the import to be successful. Additionally, there MUST be a header row that matches the one below. See the example. The column can be blank/contain no data, but the header row must be there.
Once you have the .CSV file in the correct format do the following:
4.) Under the 'Upload File' section type in the doctor's name into the given field and select them from the drop-down.
5.) Click on 'Choose File' under the doctor's name.
6.) From the Finder window that pops up navigate to the correctly formatted .CSV file and open it.
7.) Click 'Upload' and if you have done everything correctly the file will upload into the doctor's account.
8.) Remove the feature flag for the account to expose Fee Schedule v2 in production to the customer.
To confirm the Fee Schedule was uploaded correctly break the glass on the customer's account to view.