Internal Tool: Trigger Recurring Appointments

Recurring appointments do not become actualized appointments until 3 days before the scheduled appointment.

Normally, we have a daily job that runs once a day This looks for all the upcoming recurring appointments that need to be actualized and makes them "real" appointments on the schedule.

We have introduced a tool on the CRM page that serves 2 purposes:

  1. On staging we can test the recurring appointments
  2. On production, in the event that the recurring appointments were not actualized, we can make them "real".

On production, employees have access to the Trigger Recurring Appointments button. If needed they can click the button to change the recurring appointments to "real" appointments.


This will make all recurring appointments actual appointments for the next 2 days on the provider's schedule.

If the Recurring Appointment Reminders box in checked under Account > Provider Settings > Email with reminders enabled for the account, then the job will look at recurring appointments to actualize for the next 4 weeks.
