*** We are NO longer enrolling clients with TriZetto. All clients are enrolled with eProviderSolutions (ePS). *** Leaving internal article for historical purposes.
This is the process for submitting EDI Enrollments to Trizetto for new Apollo and Apollo+ customers.
During the implementation kickoff call, instruct the customer that Trizetto will be reaching out directly to the practice within the coming 2-4 business days to schedule a kickoff call. During this call, a member of the Trizetto team will provide an overview of the Trizetto STEM portal and guide them in getting all relevant information entered into the portal. The customer is responsible for inputting all practice and payer information as well as completing any enrollment documentation that follows. It is crucial to set proper expectations of how this process works and Trizetto's relationship to it.
1) TRIZETTO SALES ORDER FORM - This form will be filled out by the Implementation Specialist and emailed to providersales@cognizant.com with cc to trizetto@drchrono.com and Amanda.Kelly-Pazur@cognizant.com.
The Implementation Specialist will list their own contact information and the contact on the customer's end. All Trizetto traffic to the Customer will cc the DrChrono implementation specialist.
2) Within 1 business day, Trizetto will process the order and reply back to the order form email with the new customer site ID.
3) Implementation Specialist does the following in the Doctor Settings from the internal CRM:
a) adds Trizetto Site ID
b) enable Gateway billing
c) turn on Realtime Eligibility selecting Gateway as the vendor and
d) ensure the Billing NPI, Rendering NPI, Organization Name, and Tax ID are all populated (these should reflect the enrollments input in the STEM portal by the customer. Repeat for all relevant Providers in the practice group.
At this point, Trizetto's Enrollment Specialists will be working directly with our customers to input their EDI Enrollment information.
4) Trizetto will remain in contact with the customer until all EDI and ERA enrollments requested by the customer are completed.
CONDITIONAL: If the customer is upset/experiencing problems working with Trizetto, it is suggested that the Implementation Specialist contact Amanda Kelly-Pazur at Trizetto and provide details of the issue in an effort to rectify and resolve the conflict.