Financial Transactions (fka Day Sheet): Balancing at the end of the day

At the end of each day, you will want to run a report to "close" the books for the day. There is a report within DrChrono that will allow you to verify that the money in hand to deposit in the business bank account matches the amount that was posted to patient accounts during the workday.

If the two figures do not match, the issue could be a couple of different things:

  • Maybe there is a payment(s) that was/were not posted
  • Perhaps something was posted twice
  • Maybe there was a typo in the dollar amount that was entered

It's much easier to correct these issues the same day rather than waiting for the next billing cycle, the patient's next appointment, or the end of the month.

Financial Transactions Report (fka Day Sheet)

  • The Financial Transactions Report (fka Day Sheet) will show you what has been posted (charges, insurance/patient payments, and insurance/patient adjustments) for a particular day or a date range. You can specify other parameters including the office and even the exam room. The information listed is in real-time, so it can change as charges are placed on appointments and ERAs/EOBs are posted if it fits within the parameters you selected.

The Day Sheet can be found by navigating to Billing > Financial Transactions (Day Sheet).

Financial Transactions.png

Once inside the report, you will have additional filters available. The red box indicates where you can specify a date range (from a single date to a max of 31 days). Once you have selected your options, click on the blue Update All on the right, and the information will populate for you.


You will want to select Update All at the end of the day as opposed to the Update button. The Update All will request the system to pull data from the server to populate the report. This will include all posting/charges from the entire day, up until the moment you request the report.


The information will be displayed as a summary, like the example below. The default is set to land on the Grand Totals tab. You can see at a glance 4 key metrics:

  • Debit - Amount of charges posted for the specified parameters (date/office/exam room)
  • Credit - Amount of insurance payments posted for the specified parameters (date/office/exam room)
  • Adjustment - Amount of adjustments posted for the specified parameters (date/office/exam room)
  • Patient Payment - Amount of patient payments posted for the specified parameters (date/office/exam room)


For detailed information in any of these categories, click on the blue tab that corresponds to the information you seek. Each will bring up all the details (patient, date of service, amount, etc) that make up the amount shown on the summary Grand Total tab.


You can print or export the report by clicking on the green Action button on the right.


Any exported report will be generated and be available in your message center.


The amount shown in the Credit box should match all insurance ERAs and EOBs that were posted on the date selected. If it does not, you can see a breakdown of the payments by clicking on the blue words Credits and Adjustments. You can use the information here to look for discrepancies. If it's easier, you can also export the information to MS Excel by clicking on the green Action button and selecting Export Current Section.

The same applies to the amount shown under Patient Payment. It will include all credit card as well as cash/check/money order payments, so you may need to export and sort the information to balance multiple users.

Here is a video that will walk you through Day Sheet.