Automatically Sending OnPatient Invitations through Reminders and Appointment Confirmation

You can automatically invite patients to connect with you through OnPatient prior to their appointment through a reminder email or the scheduling widget.

1. Go to Account > OnPatient Settings.


2. Navigate to the Communication tab. Check the Allow patients to connect without an invitation box and click Update OnPatient Settings.


Connecting with an Email Reminder

When a patient receives a reminder email, there is a link for appointment details and information.


Note: In order for the invitation to be accessed correctly, the patient's cell phone number must be entered in the chart.

The appointment details link will take the patient to a page with their appointment information, and a button to Sign up for OnPatient. The invitation link is valid for 7 days. You will need to re-invite / resend the invitation after the invitation expires.


By clicking the Sign up for OnPatient button, they will be taken to the OnPatient Sign Up page to create an account with the email and Social Security Number or the email, date of birth, and cell phone number entered in their chart.


Connecting through the Scheduling Widget

When a patient schedules an appointment through the scheduling widget, they need to confirm their appointment through an email.


After confirming the appointment, the patient will be taken to a reminder website. They will be prompted to Sign up for OnPatient. The invitation is valid for 7 days. You will need to re-invite / resend the invitation after the invitation expires.


By clicking the Sign up for OnPatient button, they will be taken to the OnPatient Sign Up page to create an account with the email, date of birth, and phone number they entered into the widget.


Note: In order for patients to be able to confirm their appointments through the widget, please ensure the No confirmation emails setting is unchecked under Account > Offices > Online Schedule.
