INTERNAL: How do I set up supervising signatures for a practice group?

Supervising Signatures in DrChrono

Supervising signatures are commonly necessary for nurse practitioners (or other mid-level providers) or specific setup requirements for a practice group. DrChrono currently only supports supervising signatures for clinical notes.


  • Rendering provider: The provider that is rendering the service for a patient and requires an additional supervising signature.
  • Supervising provider: A provider that signs off on clinical notes on top of a rendering provider.

To set up supervising signatures for a practice group, locate the CRM profiles of the supervising and rendering provider and select Doctor Setting or each of them.

Scroll down to the Clinical Notes section of this page.

For the supervising provider, enable the Supervising Provider flag option.

For the rendering provider, enable the Needs supervision flag option.

Be sure to select Save at the bottom of the page.

Under the Practice Group Settings scroll down and check the box next to Show/hide supervising provider dropdown and update.


For instructions on how a supervising provider can sign off on a rendering provider's clinical note, refer to the guide found here: