Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Rules

DrChrono includes several default Clinical Decision Support rules that can be found under Clinical > CDS Rules. You can also make your own CDS rules here to use in your DrChrono account.

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You can view and edit custom CDS rules you have created on the top part of the screen. The hardcoded CDS Rules can be seen below.


You can make any of the existing rules inactive by clicking the Inactive button. To reactivate a rule, click Activate.


CDS Rules will appear in the patient's chart in their profile.


You can also view individual rules under the Clinical Dashboard in the patient's chart.


Creating Custom CDS Rules

You can create your own CDS rules that meet the needs of your practice. Click + Add New Custom CDS Rule to begin.


Next, fill out the information you would like to have to meet the rule. Keep in mind that in order for this rule to be satisfied, ALL of the conditions you include need to be met with patient data.

The description is also the name of the rule. For example, I am going to call this rule 'Dolphin Problems'.

Next, select any other information you would like to have for this rule, for example, an age range of 20-40.


Next, enter any ICD-10 codes, Active medications, Allergies, or Lab Results. You can also include any bibliography links or funding information. In this example, we have 3 codes for dolphin incidents.


You can also enter any conditions for the patient NOT to have to trigger the rule. We have a code associated with sea lions as an example here. Once you have set all of the data for your rule, click +Add CDS Rule.


Let's take a look at the rule in the patient's chart. This sample patient has a Dolphin Problems CDS rule tag because she is in the age range of 20-40 and she has ALL 3 of the ICD-10 codes we set for the rule.


If anything is added or changed that does not meet the rule, the CDS Rule flag will not appear. For example, we have added the sea lion code that was in the 'Patient Does Not Have' section of the example rule. Since we have added this code, the rule is no longer met.
